A set of shell tools are built using pyCGNS. Some of them are dedicated to a specific use of CGNS files and tree shape, you have to check the actual effects of the tools on your own test data before any attempt on valuable data.
The cg_list is a kind of ls for CGNS files. There are many options to help you decide wether this is the file you are looking for or not, its size, its contents type...
You typically run cg_list to find out which are the CGNS files in a directory:
$ cg_list
Then you can go into further details on some of these files:
$ cg_list -tBZVLM *cubes*
3.20 0 1 1 0.35 cube0_tetra.hdf
3.20 0 1 5 0.12 cubes.hdf
3.20 0 1 5 0.12 cubes_T1.hdf
The default is to skip files with a size >1Gb, but cg_list gives you the list anyway and you can add the -f option to force the read of very large files:
$ cg_list
# skip file >1Gb : Validation-Triggers.hdf
# skip file >1Gb : JTI-GRC2-FUS+HEAD-ROD_Near.hdf
# skip file >1Gb : Last25.hdf
And you can set sorting option, to get a better view on number of items some large files:
$ cg_list -fs PZF -PZFt
1 1 5 ex_uns.hdf
2 50 76002 naca12_50dom.hdf
11 1 227206 supersonique.hdf
0 1 1070022 SNR.hdf
11 12 4245548 Jt.hdf
0 32 4474808 C2BP_I.hdf
26 32 4474808 C2BP_M.hdf
3 8 4794825 pale.hdf
80 97 11384652 T23_instat_R4.hdf
268 282 13978730 T23s_cfd#00000.hdf
754 739 58300347 Last25_msh.hdf
4 660 155858748 Last25.hdf
The -h option returns the following usage notice:
usage: cg_list [options] file1 file2 ...
List tool on CGNS/HDF5 files
(part of pyCGNS distribution http://pycgns.sourceforge.net)'
The result of the list is one line per found file/node.
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show version
-B, --base number of bases
-Z, --zone number of zones
-S, --structured number of structured zones
-U, --unstructured number of unstructured zones
-F, --family number of families
-L, --links number of links
-M, --mega size of file in Mb
-G, --giga size of file in Gb
-P, --points total number of points
-r PATH, --restrict PATH
restrict all counts to path subtree
-t, --title add columns header
-k, --keys show list of keys
-s SORT, --sort SORT sort with criteria (see doc below)
-a, --all alias for -hVBLZSUWK
-n, --nolinks do not follow links
-f, --force force parse for very large files > 1Gb
Sort criteria:
Each letter is a key for the sort criteria. With the key K, the pattern
K or K+ is ascending sort on key K, K- is descending.
Keys are N for filename, B number of bases, Z number of zones
and so on, use option -k to have key list and -t to add list header leys.
This tool is a grep on the CGNS file contents. It parses the file and depending on your actual request it searches on node names, types, values, paths, links...
For example you are looking for a file having a link to another one. The following command looks at all CGNS files, stops at the first having a link:
$ cg_grep -sel '.*' *
To get all nodes having a link a a given file name:
$ cg_grep -ef 'naca12_50dom_dom4.*' naca12_50dom_TOP.hdf
Beware, as any other result of the grep command, the return is the matching node, not the value. Once you have this node list, you can proceed to another filter with cg_list for example:
The -h option returns the following usage notice:
usage: cg_grep [options] file1 file2 ...
Grep tool on CGNS/HDF5 files
(part of pyCGNS distribution http://pycgns.sourceforge.net)'
The result of the grep is one line per found file/node, with the
syntax <file>:<node-path>
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-n NAME, --name NAME grep on node name
grep on SIDS type name
-l LINKPATH, --linkpath LINKPATH
grep on a path of a link
-f LINKFILE, --linkfile LINKFILE
grep on a file of a link
-c, --cut leaf only, do not propagate to subtrees (cut on find)
-e, --regexp args can contain regular expressions (otherwise plain
strings only)
-s, --stop stop at first found
-p, --path return only the path of the matching node, no filename
cg_grep -n 'HybridBaseMerged' *
- find all nodes with the name 'HybridBaseMerged'
cg_grep -sn 'HybridBaseMerged' *
- find he first file with a node having the name 'HybridBaseMerged'
cg_grep -ct 'GridConnectivityProperty_t' *
- find all GridConnectivityProperty_t nodes but no not continue to parse
their children nodes
cg_grep -en '[Aa]ngle' naca0012.hdf
- find all nodes with 'Angle' or 'angle' as substring in of the node name
cg_grep -en '^[Aa]ngle$' naca0012.hdf
- find all nodes with 'Angle' or 'angle' as the node name
cg_grep -sel '.*' *
- find all links in all CGNS/HDF5 files in current dir, stop at first
file found. The first file containing at least one link is the result.
The link tool can be used to translate ADF links to HDF links for example, or just to recursively browse existing links:
usage: cg_link [options] file1 file2 ...
Browsing and editing links on CGNS/HDF5 files
(part of pyCGNS distribution http://pycgns.sourceforge.net)
pyCGNS v4.4.481
Warning: translation of ADF files is made *in place*, in other word if a link
with the path '/A/C/D.adf' is found, its translation is '/A/C/D.hdf'. Then
it requires correct access rights, disk place and so on...
Warning: translation of ADF files requires the cgnsconvert tool, can be
found on http://www.cgns.org tools
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-t, --translate translates ADF to HDF and propagates through links
-l, --linklist list all link entries
-p, --path return only the path of the matching node, no filename
-v, --verbose trace mode
* Recursively translates all ADF files (as far as you have cgnsconvert) and
sets the linked-to file names to these in-place translated files. The
verbose mode makes cg_link to print all parsed files:
cg_link -vt 124Disk.cgns