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The PATtern module provides the user with functions dedicated to CGNS/Python trees. The PAT.cgnslib module uses the SIDS compliant data structures, you can create, read, check, modify some CGNS/Python sub-trees related to a SIDS type. With this module you are working with a Python data structure, all function are using plain Python/Numpy objects. Thus, the PAT module is not required for your applications, as you can write your own function to handle these Python objects. The PAT.cgnsutils provides utility fonctions for raw CGNS/Python trees or nodes. The PAT defines also constant modules such as PAT.cgnskeywords for all SIDS names or constant strings, PAT.cgnstypes for the SIDS types descriptions (enumerates, allowed list of children...) and the PAT.cgnserrors with error codes and their messages.

A special module PAT.SIDS has all CGNS/SIDS patterns gathered as PAT.cgnslib calls. These patterns, used for creation only, are building in a recursive way the whole sub-tree for a given SIDS type.


The CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils has a large set of utility functions using the CGNS/Python nodes, sub-trees or trees as arguments, you can manipulate tree paths, links, values. Functions are not gathered into a class because we want them to proceed on standard CGNS/Python trees. Most functions have an optional error management, you can ask them to raise an exception or to return None. The dienow argument is set to False as default, which means a error would return a None. A dienow set to True raises an error. Some functions also have an optional legacy management, to take into account old CGNS/Python stuff. When set to True, the CGNSTree_t top node should not appear and is not inserted when needed. The weird CGNS/SIDS types such as “int[IndexDimension]” are used instead of CGNS/Python replacements. The legacy argument is set to False as default.

The list below gives an overview of publicly available functions.

  Node Life Cycle
Create a new node nodeCreate
Deep copy of node nodeCopy
Delete node and its children nodeDelete
Add child addChild
List of children names childrenNames
Delete child removeChildByName
  Node structure and contents
Checks basic node structure checkNode
Returns True if the node is a CGNS/Python tree root checkRootNode
Returns True if the node is CGNS/Python compliant checkNodeCompliant
Returns True if the node is of arg CGNS/SIDS type checkNodeType
Returns True if the parent is of arg CGNS/SIDS type checkParentType
Checks if the node name has CGNS/SIDS correct syntax checkNodeName
Checks if the name has CGNS/SIDS correct syntax checkName
True if two nodes have same contents checkSameNode
True if arg name is not already in the parent children list checkDuplicatedName
True if arg name is the parent children list checkHasChildName
Checks if arg path is CGNS/SIDS compliant checkPath
Checks if the value is a numpy.ndarray checkArray
Checks if the value is a numpy.ndarray of type C1 checkArrayChar
Checks if the value is a numpy.ndarray of type R4 or R8 checkArrayReal
Checks if the value is a numpy.ndarray of type I4 or I8 checkArrayInteger
  Boolean tests
True if node has a child of arg type hasChildType
True if any ancestor of node has arg type hasAncestorType
True if node has child with arg name hasChildName
True if any ancestor of node has arg name hasAncestorName
True if node value matches hasValue
True if node value datatype matches hasValueDataType
True if node value has flags (Numpy flags) hasValueFlags
True if first path is prefix of second hasSameRootPath
  Search and Retrieve
Return a node from its path getNodeByPath
Return a node value from node path getValueByPath
Return the parent node of the arg node getParentFromNode
Return list of node children from path getChildrenByPath
Return a node CGNS/SIDS type from path getTypeByPath
All nodes matching the unordered set of CGNS/SIDS types getAllNodesByTypeSet
All nodes matching the ordered list of CGNS/SIDS types getAllNodesByTypeList
All nodes matching a list of names and CGNS/SIDS types getAllNodesByTypeOrNameList
Iterator, get next child by type/name order getNextChildSortByType
  CGNS/SIDS information
List of allowed CGNS/SIDS types as child of node getNodeAllowedChildrenTypes
List of allowed CGNS/SIDS data types for this node getNodeAllowedDataTypes
List of all allowed CGNS/SIDS parent types paths getAllParentTypePaths
  Value manipulation
Return node value shape (numpy.ndarray) getValueShape
Return node value data type as CGNS/SIDS data type getValueDataType
Return value data type as CGNS/SIDS data type getValueType
Return True if the node has a value hasValue
Return True if the node has a numpy.ndarray fortran order hasFortranFlag
Return True if the node value data type is correct hasValueDataType
Create a numpy.ndarray from a string setStringAsArray
Create a numpy.ndarray from list of strings concatenateForCharArray2D
Create a numpy.ndarray from list of list of strings concatenateForCharArray3D
Get the node value getValue
Set the node value setValue
Check node value and arg string stringValueMatches
Copy numpy.ndarray with flags copyArray
  Path functions
Get the path of a node not including root name getPathFromNode
Get the path of a node including root name getPathFromRoot
Get list of all CGNS/Python tree paths getPathFullTree
Get list of all tree paths with name filter getPathByNameFilter
Get list of all tree paths with type filter getPathByTypeFilter
Returns the path string as a list of node names getPathToList
Get the parent path of the arg path getPathAncestor
Get the last node name of the arg path getPathLeaf
Get the first item of the path hasFirstPathItem
Remove the first item of the path removeFirstPathItem
Get path with CGNS/Python root removed getPathNoRoot
Get list of types of nodes along the arg path getPathAsTypes
Normalizes the arg path getPathNormalize
Find the common ancestor of path list getPathListCommonAncestor
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.nodeCreate(name, value, children, type, parent=None, dienow=False)

Create a new node with and bind it to its parent:

import CGNS.PAT.cgnskeywords as CK
import numpy

  • Args:
  • name: node name as a string
  • value: node value as a numpy array
  • children: list of node children
  • type: CGNS type as a string
  • parent: parent node where to insert the new node (default: None)
  • dienow: If True raises an exception in case of problem (default: False)
  • Return:
  • The new node
  • Remarks:
  • If parent is None (default) node is orphan
  • Full-checks the node with checkNodeCompliant only if dienow is True.
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.nodeCopy(node, newname=None)

Creates a new node sub-tree as a copy of the argument node sub-tree. A deep copy is performed on the node, including the values, which can lead to a very large memory use:

  • Args:
  • node: node to copy
  • name: new node (copy) name
  • Return:
  • The new node
  • Remarks:
  • Full-checks the node with checkNodeCompliant only if dienow is True.
  • The new node name is the same by default, thus user would have to check for potential duplicated name.
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.nodeDelete(tree, node, legacy=False)

Deletes a node from a tree:

import CGNS.PAT.cgnslib as CL
import CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils as CU
import numpy
T =CL.newCGNSTree()
print CU.getPathFullTree(T)
# ['/CGNSLibraryVersion', '/Base', '/Base/Zone1', '/Base/Zone1/ZoneType', '/Base/Zone2', '/Base/Zone2/ZoneType']
print CU.getPathFullTree(T)
# ['/CGNSLibraryVersion', '/Base', '/Base/Zone2', '/Base/Zone2/ZoneType']
  • Args:
  • tree: target tree where to find the node to remove
  • node: node to remove (CGNS/Python node or node name as absolute path)
  • Return:
  • The tree argument (without the deleted node)
  • Remarks:
  • Uses checkSameNode().
  • Actual memory of the node is released only if there is no other reference
  • No action if the node to delete is not found
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.checkNodeName(node, dienow=False)

Checks if the name is CGNS/Python compliant node name:

  • Args:
  • node: the CGNS/Python node to check
  • Return:
  • True if the name has a correct syntax
  • Remarks:
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.checkName(name, dienow=False, strict=False)

Checks if the name is CGNS/Python compliant node name. The name should be a Python string of type str or unicode, but str is strongly recommanded. A name should follow these requirements:

  • No more than 32 chars
  • No / in the string
  • Empty name or name with only spaces is forbidden
  • Names . and .. are forbidden
  • Allowed chars are string.letters + string.digits + string.punctuation + ' '

Additional checks can be performed with the strict flag set to True, these checks are not CGNS compliant:

  • No prefix nor suffix spaces
  • No more than two consecutive spaces
  • Punctuation is limited to: !#$%&()*+,-.:;<=>?@[]^_{|}~
if (not checkName(name)):
  print 'Such name ',name',' not allowed'
elif (not checkName(name,strict=True)):
  print 'name ok but unsafe'
  • Args:
  • name: the string to check
  • strict: add the ‘strict’ mode checks (default is False)
  • Return:
  • True if the name has a correct syntax
  • Remarks:
  • Type of name should be a Python string
  • Name cannot be empty
  • Raises cgnsNameError codes 22,23,24,25,29,31,32,33,34 if dienow is True
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.addChild(parent, node)

same as setAsChild

CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.setAsChild(parent, node)

Adds a child node to the parent node children list:

  • Args:
  • parent: the parent node
  • node: the child node to add to parent
  • Return:
  • The parent node
  • Remarks:
  • No check is performed on duplicated child name or any other validity.
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.setChild(parent, node)

same as setAsChild

CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.checkDuplicatedName(parent, name, dienow=False)

Checks if the name is not already in the children list of the parent:

while (not checkDuplicatedName(node,'solution#%.3d'%count)): count+=1
  • Args:
  • parent: the parent node
  • name: the child name to look for
  • Return:
  • True if the child IS NOT duplicated
  • False if the child IS duplicated
  • Remarks:
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.checkHasChildName(parent, name, dienow=False)

Checks if the name is in the children list of the parent:

while (checkHasChildName(node,'solution#%.3d'%count)): count+=1
  • Args:
  • parent: the parent node
  • name: the child name to look for
  • Return:
  • True if the child exists
  • Remarks:
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.checkNodeType(node, cgnstype=[], dienow=False)

Check the CGNS type of a node. The type can be a single value or a list of values. Each type to check is a string such as CGNS.PAT.cgnskeywords.CGNSBase_ts constant for example. If the list is empty, the check uses the list of all existing CGNS types:

import CGNS.PAT.cgnskeywords as CK

  • Args:
  • node: the CGNS/Python node to check
  • cgnstype: a list of strings with the types to check
  • Return:
  • True if the type is a CGNSType or a type in the argument list.
  • None if the parent is None (may change to have consistent return)
  • Remarks:
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.checkParentType(parent, stype)

same as checkType but checks the parent type instead of the current node

CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.checkNode(node, dienow=False)

Checks if a node is a compliant CGNS/Python node structure of list. The syntax for a compliant node structure is:

[<name:string>, <value:numpy>, <children:list-of-nodes>, <cgnstype:string>]

With the following exception: a value can be None.

The function checks the syntax of the node and the types of its contents, it doesn’t perform sub checks such as checkNodeName, checkNodeType...

You should always check first the node structure, a function such as checkNodeName blindly access to the first item of the list and would raise an exception if the structure is not correct.

  • Args:
  • node: the CGNS/Python node to check
  • Return:
  • True if the node is ok
  • Remarks:
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.checkRootNode(node, legacy=False, dienow=False)

Checks if a node is the CGNS/Python tree root node. If legacy is True, then [None, None, [children], None] is accepted as Root. If it is not True (default) then a CGNS/Python node of type CGNSTree_t is expected as root node. Children contains then the CGNSLibraryVersion and CGNSBase nodes as flat list. The flat pattern with a list containing CGNSLibraryVersion and zero or more CGNSBase nodes is not accepted. You should use a trick as the one above by giving this pattern as child of a fake node.

# flatpattern is a CGNS/Python list with a `CGNSLibraryVersion` node
# and `CGNSBase` nodes at the same level.
# we build a temporary children list

tmp=[None, None, [flatpattern], None]
if (checkRootNode(tmp,True)):
  # do smomething
  • Args:
  • node: the CGNS/Python node to check
  • legacy: boolean, True means you accept non-CGNSTree_t node
  • Return:
  • True if the node is a root node
  • Remarks:
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.checkSameNode(nodeA, nodeB, dienow=False)

Checks if two nodes have the same contents: same name, same CGNS/SIDS type, same number of children, same value type (None of numpy). The children are not parsed, the value itself is not checked (see checkSameValue()):

if (checkSameNode(nodeA,nodeB)):
  • Args:
  • node A: CGNS/Python node
  • node B: CGNS/Python node
  • Return:
  • True if the nodes are same
  • Remarks:
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.checkSameValue(nodeA, nodeB, dienow=False)

Checks if two nodes have the same value. There is no tolerance on actual array values when these are compared one to one. This could lead to time consuming operations for large arrays.

if (checkSameValue(nodeA,nodeB)):
  # do something
  • Args:
  • node A: CGNS/Python node
  • node B: CGNS/Python node
  • Return:
  • True if the nodes have same value
  • Remarks:
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.checkArray(a, dienow=False, orNone=True)

Check if the array value of a node is a numpy array.

if (checkArray(node[1])):
  # do something
  • Args:
  • a: value to check
  • Return:
  • True if the array is suitable as CGNS/Python value
  • Remarks:
  • Raises error codes 109,170 if dienow is True
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.checkArrayChar(a, dienow=False)

same as checkArray for an array of type C1

CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.checkArrayReal(a, dienow=False)

same as checkArray for an array of type R4 or R8

CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.checkArrayInteger(a, dienow=False)

same as checkArray for an array of type I4 or I8

CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.checkNodeCompliant(node, parent=None, dienow=False)

Performs all possible checks on a node. Can raise any of the exceptions related to node checks (checkNodeName(), checkNodeType(), checkArray()...).

if (checkNodeCompliant(node)):
  # do something
  • Args:
  • node: CGNS/Python node to check
  • parent: CGNS/Python parent node to check (if not None)
  • Return:
  • True if all controls are ok
  • Remarks:

Creates a numpy.ndarray of chars from a list of python strings


Creates a numpy.ndarray of chars from a list of list of python strings


same as getValueDataType with value as arg instead of node

CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.setValue(node, value)

sets the node value


Creates a numpy.ndarray from a string


Creates a 1D numpy.ndarray from one or more integers


Creates a 1D numpy.ndarray from one or more longs


Creates a 1D numpy.ndarray from one or more floats


Creates a 1D numpy.ndarray from one or more doubles


Returns node value


Returns node value fortran flag


Returns the value data shape for a CGNS/Python node for display purpose. If the shape cannot be determined a - is returned.

print 'node data shape is %s'%getValueShape(node)
  • Args:
  • node: CGNS/Python node
  • Return:
  • A string with the shape

Returns the value data type for a CGNS/Python node for display purpose.

print 'node data type is %s'%getValueDataType(node)
  • Args:
  • node: CGNS/Python node
  • Return:
  • A string in [C1,`I4`,`I8`,`R4`,`R8`,`??`]
  • Remarks:
  • ?? is returned if datatype is not one of [C1,`I4`,`I8`,`R4`,`R8`]
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.hasFirstPathItem(path, sidstype='CGNSTree')

True if the arg string is the item of the path


Return the path without the first item

CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.getNodeByPath(tree, path)

Returns the CGNS/Python node with the argument path:


The path is compared as a string, you should provide the exact path if you have a sub-tree or a tree with its CGNSTree fake node. The following lines are not equivalent (sic!):

  • Args:
  • tree: the target tree to parse
  • path: a string representing an absolute or relative path
  • Return:
  • The CGNS/Python node matching the path
  • Remark:
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.getValueByPath(tree, path)

Returns the value of a CGNS/Python node with the argument path:

import CGNS.PAT.cgnskeywords as CK


if (v == CK.Structured_s): print 'Structured Zone Found'
  • Args:
  • tree: the target tree to parse
  • path: a string representing an absolute or relative path
  • Return:
  • The CGNS/Python node value matching the path
  • Remark:
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.getChildrenByPath(tree, path)

Returns the children list of a CGNS/Python node with the argument path.

import CGNS.PAT.cgnskeywords as CK

for bc in getChildrenByPath(T,'/Base/Zone01/ZoneBC'):
  if (bc[3] == CK.BC_ts): 
    print 'BC found:', bc[0]
  • Args:
  • tree: the target tree to parse
  • path: a string representing an absolute or relative path
  • Return:
  • The CGNS/Python node children list of node matching the path
  • Remark:
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.getNextChildSortByType(node, parent=None, criteria=['AdditionalExponents_t', 'AdditionalFamilyName_t', 'AdditionalUnits_t', 'ArbitraryGridMotionType_t', 'ArbitraryGridMotion_t', 'AreaType_t', 'Area_t', 'AverageInterfaceType_t', 'AverageInterface_t', 'Axisymmetry_t', 'BCDataSet_t', 'BCDataType_t', 'BCData_t', 'BCProperty_t', 'BCTypeSimple_t', 'BCType_t', 'BC_t', 'BaseIterativeData_t', 'CGNSBase_t', 'CGNSLibraryVersion_t', 'CGNSTree_t', 'ChemicalKineticsModelType_t', 'ChemicalKineticsModel_t', 'ConvergenceHistory_t', 'DataArray_t', 'DataClass_t', 'DataConversion_t', 'DataType_t', 'Descriptor_t', 'DiffusionModel_t', 'DimensionalExponents_t', 'DimensionalUnits_t', 'DiscreteData_t', 'EMConductivityModelType_t', 'EMConductivityModel_t', 'EMElectricFieldModelType_t', 'EMElectricFieldModel_t', 'EMMagneticFieldModelType_t', 'EMMagneticFieldModel_t', 'ElementType_t', 'Elements_t', 'EquationDimension_t', 'FamilyBCDataSet_t', 'FamilyBC_t', 'FamilyName_t', 'Family_t', 'FlowEquationSet_t', 'FlowSolution_t', 'GasModelType_t', 'GasModel_t', 'GeometryEntity_t', 'GeometryFile_t', 'GeometryFormat_t', 'GeometryReference_t', 'GoverningEquationsType_t', 'GoverningEquations_t', 'Gravity_t', 'GridConnectivity1to1_t', 'GridConnectivityProperty_t', 'GridConnectivityType_t', 'GridConnectivity_t', 'GridCoordinates_t', 'GridLocation_t', 'IndexArray_t', 'IndexRange_t', 'IntIndexDimension_ts', 'IntegralData_t', 'InwardNormalIndex_t', 'InwardNormalList_t', 'Ordinal_t', 'OversetHoles_t', 'Periodic_t', 'PointSetType_t', 'ReferenceState_t', 'RigidGridMotionType_t', 'RigidGridMotion_t', 'Rind_t', 'RotatingCoordinates_t', 'SimulationType_t', 'ThermalConductivityModelType_t', 'ThermalConductivityModel_t', 'ThermalRelaxationModelType_t', 'ThermalRelaxationModel_t', 'Transform_ts', 'TurbulenceClosureType_t', 'TurbulenceClosure_t', 'TurbulenceModelType_t', 'TurbulenceModel_t', 'UserDefinedData_t', 'ViscosityModelType_t', 'ViscosityModel_t', 'WallFunctionType_t', 'WallFunction_t', 'ZoneBC_t', 'ZoneGridConnectivity_t', 'ZoneIterativeData_t', 'ZoneSubRegion_t', 'ZoneType_t', 'Zone_t'])

Iterator, returns the children list of the argument CGNS/Python sorted using the CGNS type then the name. The sortlist gives an alternate sort list/dictionnary.

for child in getNextChildSortByType(node):
    print 'Next child:', child[0]

zonesort=[CGK.Elements_ts, CGK.Family_ts, CGK.ZoneType_ts]
for child in getNextChildSortByType(node,criteria=mysort):
    print 'Next child:', child[0]

mysort={CGK.Zone_t: zonesort}
for child in getNextChildSortByType(node,parent,mysort):
    print 'Next child:', child[0]
  • Args:
  • node: the target node
  • parent: the parent node
  • criteria: a list or a dictionnary used as the sort criteria
  • Return:
  • This is an iterator, it returns a CGNS/Python node
  • Remark:
  • The function is an iterator
  • If criteria is a list of type, the sort order for the type is the list order. If it is a dictionnary, its keys are the parent types and the values are list of types.
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.getTypeByPath(tree, path)

Returns the CGNS type of a CGNS/Python node with the argument path.

import CGNS.PAT.cgnskeywords as CK

if (getTypeByPath(T,'/Base/Zone01/ZoneBC/'):
  if (bc[3] == CK.BC_ts): 
    print 'BC found:', bc[0]
  • Args:
  • tree: the target tree to parse
  • path: a string representing an absolute or relative path
  • Return:
  • The CGNS/Python node CGNS/SIDS type (string)
  • Remark:
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.getPathByNameFilter(tree, filter=None)

Returns a list of paths from T matching the filter. The filter is a regular expression used to match the path of node names:

import CGNS.PAT.cgnskeywords as CK

for path in filterPathByName(T,'/Base[0-1]/domain\..*/.*/.*/FamilyName'):
   print 'FamilyName ',path,' is ',path[2]
  • Args:
  • tree: the target tree to parse
  • filter: a regular expresion for the complete path to math to
  • Return:
  • A list of paths (strings) matching the path pattern
  • Remark:
  • Returns empty list if no match
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.getPathByTypeFilter(tree, filter=None)

Returns a list of paths from T matching the filter. The filter is a regular expression used to match the path of node types:

import CGNS.PAT.cgnskeywords as CK

for path in filterPathByType(T,'/.*/.*/.*/BC_t'):
  for child in getChildrenByPath(T,path):
   if (child[3]==CK.FamilyName_t):
     print 'BC ',path,' belongs to ',child[2]
  • Args:
  • tree: the target tree to parse
  • filter: a regular expression for the complete path to math to
  • Return:
  • A list of paths (strings) matching the types-path pattern
  • Remark:
  • Returns empty list if no match
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.removeChildByName(parent, name)

Remove the child from the parent node.

  • Args:
  • parent: node where to find the child name
  • name: name of the child to delete (with all its sub-tree)
  • Return:
  • None
  • Remark:
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.getParentFromNode(tree, node)

Returns the parent node of a node. If the node is root node, itself is returned:

  • Args:
  • tree: the CGNS/Python target tree to parse
  • node: the child node
  • Return:
  • A list of paths (strings) matching the types-path pattern
  • Remark:
  • Returns itself if node is root
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.getPathFromRoot(tree, node)

Same as getPathFromNode() but takes into account the root node name:


>>> CGU.getPathFromRoot(r,d)
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.getPathFromNode(tree, node, path='')

Returns the path from a node in a tree. The argument tree is parsed and a path is built-up until the node is found. Then the start node name is not taken into account. For example:


>>> CGU.getPathFromNode(r,d)

In the case you want to add the name of the root node (start node) in the path, you should use the path argument (see also getPathFromRoot()):


The functions behaves like this for historical reasons, the root of a CGNS/Python tree is CGNSTree but is not CGNS/SIDS compliant. So the path of a CGNSBase_t, starting from the root node, is /Base instead of the logically expected /CGNSTree/CGNSBase.

The node object is compared to the tree nodes, if you have multiple references to the same node, the first found is used for the path:

# T is a compliant CGNS/Python tree

  • tree: the target tree to parse
  • node: the target node to find
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.getAllNodesByTypeOrNameList(tree, typeornamelist)

Returns a list of paths from the argument tree with nodes matching the list of types or names. The list you give is the list you would have if you pick the node type or the node name during the parse.


for path in getAllNodesByTypeOrNameList(T,tnlist):
   # do something with node

Would return all the zones of the named base. See also getAllNodesByTypeSet() See also getAllNodesByTypeList()

  • Args:
  • tree: the start node of the CGNS tree to parse
  • typeornamelist: the (ordered) list of types
  • Return:
  • a list of strings, each string is the path to a matching node
  • Remark:
  • the first comparison is performed on name, then on type. If you have a node name that matches a type, the node is included in the result.

Return all type paths allowed by CGNS/SIDS for the node type. For example, to check all possible places where you can set a FamilyName_t you call getAllParentTypePaths, it returns you a list of all types paths allowed by CGNS/SIDS

CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.getAllNodesByTypeList(tree, typelist)

Returns a list of paths from the argument tree with nodes matching the list of types. The list you give is the list you would have if you pick the node type during the parse.


for path in getAllNodesByTypeList(T,tlist):
   # do something with node

Would return all the zones of your tree. See also getAllNodesByTypeSet()

  • Args:
  • tree: the start node of the CGNS tree to parse
  • typelist: the (ordered) list of types
  • Return:
  • a list of strings, each string is the path to a matching node
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.getPathFullTree(tree, width=False)

Returns the list of all possible node paths of a CGNS/Python tree.

for paths in getPathFullTree(T):
   # do something
  • Args:
  • tree: the CGNS/Python target tree to parse
  • width: a boolean set to True (default is False) for width sorting
  • Return:
  • A list of strings, each is a path
  • Remark:
  • Returns [] is tree empty or invalid
  • When sorting with width the paths are listed as width-first parse
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.checkPath(path, dienow=False)

Checks the compliance of a path, which is basically a UNIX-like path with constraints on each node name.

  • Args:
  • path: path to check (string)
  • Return:
  • True if the path is ok, False if a problem is found
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.hasSameRootPath(pathroot, pathtocompare)

Compares two paths:

  • Args:
  • pathroot: root path to compare
  • pathtocompare: path which is supposed to have rootpath as substring
  • Return:
  • Ture if ‘rootpath’ is a prefix of ‘pathtocompare’
  • Remarks:
  • Each node name is a token, see example below: the second example doesn’t match as a path while it matches as a string.

Finds the common ancestor for all paths in list:

>>>print getPathListCommonAncestor(p)
  • Args:
  • pathlist: list of path strings
  • Return:
  • The common root path (at least ‘/’)
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.getPathToList(path, nofirst=False, noroot=True)

Return the path as a list of node names:

>>>print getPathToList('/Base/Zone/ZoneBC')
>>>print getPathToList('/Base/Zone/ZoneBC',True)
>>>print getPathToList('/')
  • Args:
  • path: path string to split
  • nofirst: Removes the first empty string that appears for absoulte paths (default: False)
  • noroot: If true then removes the CGNS/HDF5 root if found (default: True)
  • Return:
  • The list of path elements as strings
  • With ‘/’ as argument, the function returns an empty list
  • Remarks:
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.getPathAncestor(path, level=1)

Return the path of the node parent of the argument node path:

>>>print getPathAncestor('/Base/Zone/ZoneBC')
  • Args:
  • path: path string of the child node
  • level: number of levels back from the child (default: 1 means the father of the node)
  • Return:
  • The ancestor path
  • If the path is ‘/’ its ancestor is None.

Return the leaf node name of the path:

>>>print getPathLeaf('/Base/Zone/ZoneBC')
  • Args:
  • path: path string of the child node
  • Return:
  • The leaf node name
  • If the path is ‘/’ the function returns ‘’

Return the path without the implementation node ‘HDF5 Mother node’ if detected as first element:

>>>print getPathNoRoot('/HDF5 Mother Node/Base/Zone/ZoneBC')
  • Args:
  • path: path string to check
  • Return:
  • The new path without HDF5 Mother node if found
  • Remarks:
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.getPathAsTypes(tree, path)

Return the list of types corresponding to the argument path in the tree:

  • Args:
  • tree: target tree
  • path: path to parse in the tree
  • Return:
  • The list of CGNS types found
  • None if the path is not found

Return the same path as minimal string, removes //// and /./ and other simplifiable UNIX-like path elements.

# a checkPath here would fail, because single or double dots are not
# allowed as a node name. But actually this is allowed as a
# path description

# would return '/Base/Zone/ZoneBC'
if (checkPath(p)):
   # do something
  • Args:
  • path: path string to simplify
  • Return:
  • The simplified path
  • Remarks:
  • Uses os.path.normpath and replaces if windows os.path
  • Before its normalization a path can be non-compliant

Gets the children names

for c in childNames(node):
  # do something
  • Args:
  • node: CGNS/Python node
  • Return:
  • List of children names
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.getAllNodesByTypeSet(tree, typeset)

Returns a list of paths from the argument tree with nodes matching one of the types in the list.

#  Would return all the zones and BCs of your tree.

for path in getAllNodesByTypeSet(T,tset):
   # do something
  • Args:
  • tree: the start node of the CGNS tree to parse
  • typeset: the list of types
  • Return:
  • a list of strings, each string is the path to a matching node
  • Remarks:
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.getNodeAllowedChildrenTypes(pnode, node)

Returns all allowed CGNS-types for the node. The parent is mandatory.

if (node[2] not in getNodeAllowedChildrenTypes(parent,node)):
   # do something
  • Args:
  • pnode: CGNS/Python parent node of second argument
  • node: CGNS/Python node
  • Return:
  • A list of CGNS/SIDS types (strings)

Returns a list of string with all allowed CGNS data types for the node.

if (getValueDataType(node) not in getNodeAllowedDataTypes(node)):
   # do something
  • Args:
  • node: CGNS/Python node
  • Return:
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.hasChildType(parent, ntype)

checks if the parent node has a child with given type.

if (hasChildType(node, 'AdditionalFamily_t')):
   # do something
  • Args:
  • parent: CGNS/Python parent node
  • ntype: CGNS/SIDS node type (string)
  • Return:
  • List of nodes with this type
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.hasChildName(parent, name, dienow=False)

Checks if the name is in the children list of the parent:

if (node is None):
  • Args:
  • parent: the parent node
  • name: the child name to look for
  • Return:
  • the actual child node if the child exists
  • None if the child is not found
  • Remarks:
CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils.stringValueMatches(node, reval)

True if the string matches the node value


Copy a numpy.ndarray with flags

The Pythonish CGNS lib

The so-called CGNSlib or MLL or Mid-level library, is set of functions for used to read/write/modify a set of nodes matching a CGNS/SIDS type. The Pythonish flavour of this library declares a set of functions with more or less the same interface but with Python values.

SIDS Function
6.2 newCGNSBase
4.1 newDataClass
4.2 newDescriptor
4.3 newDimensionalUnits
4.4 newDimensionalExponents
4.5 newGridLocation
4.6 newIndexArray
4.8 newRind
5.1.1 newDataConversion
6.3 newZone
7.1 newGridCoordinates
5.1 newDataArray
7.3 newElements
9.2 newZoneBC
9.3 newBC
9.4 newBCDataSet
9.5 newBCData
9.6 newBCProperty
7.5 newAxisymmetry
7.6 newRotatingCoordinates
7.7 newFlowSolution
8.1 newZoneGridConnectivity
8.2 newGridConnectivity1to1
8.4 newGridConnectivity
8.6 newGridConnectivityProperty
8.6.2 newAverageInterface
8.7 newOversetHoles
10.1 newFlowEquationSet
10.2 newGoverningEquations
10.4 newGasModel
10.6 newThermalConductivityModel
10.5 newViscosityModel
10.7.1 newTurbulenceClosure
10.7.2 newTurbulenceModel
10.8 newThermalRelaxationModel
10.9 newChemicalKineticsModel
10.10.1 newEMElectricFieldModel
10.10.2 newEMMagneticFieldModel
10.10.3 newEMConductivityModel
11.1.1 newBaseIterativeData
11.1.2 newZoneIterativeData
11.2 newRigidGridMotion
12.1 newReferenceState
12.3 newConvergenceHistory
12.5 newIntegralData
12.6 newFamily
12.7 newGeometryReference
12.8 newFamilyBC
11.3 newArbitraryGridMotion
12.10 newUserDefinedData
12.11 newGravity

Top CGNS/Python tree node creation:

  • Return:
  • Remarks:
  • You should keep the returned node in a variable or reference to it in any other way, this tree root is a Python object that would be garbagged if its reference count reaches zero.
  • The CGNSTree node is a CGNS/Python node which has no existence in a disk HDF5 file.
  • Children:
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newCGNSBase(tree, name, ncell, nphys)

CGNSBase node creation:

# The base is put in the `T` children list

# No parent, you should fetch the new node using a variable
  • Args:
  • tree: the parent node (<node> or None)
  • name: base name (string)
  • cdim: cell dimensions (int)
  • pdim: physical dimensions (int)
  • Return:
  • Remarks:
  • If a parent is given, the new node is added to the parent children list.
  • Children:
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newDataClass(parent, value='UserDefined')

-DataClass node creation -DataClass


If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. The value argument is a DataClass enumerate. No child allowed. Returns a new <node> representing a DataClass_t sub-tree.

CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newDescriptor(parent, name, value='')

-Descriptor node creation -Descriptor


No child allowed. Returns a new <node> representing a Descriptor_t sub-tree.

CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newDimensionalUnits(parent, value=['Meter', 'Kelvin', 'Second', 'Radian', 'Kilogram'])

DimensionalUnits node creation:


If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. new <node> is composed of a set of enumeration types : MassUnits,`LengthUnits`, TimeUnits,TemperatureUnits,AngleUnits are required Returns a new <node> representing a DimensionalUnits_t sub-tree. chapter 4.3

CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newDimensionalExponents(parent, MassExponent=0, LengthExponent=0, TimeExponent=0, TemperatureExponent=0, AngleExponent=0)

-DimensionalExponents node creation -DimensionalExponents:


If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. Returns a new <node> representing a DimensionalExponents_t sub-tree. chapter 4.4

CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newGridLocation(parent, value='CellCenter')

-GridLocation node creation -GridLocation:


If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. Returns a new <node> representing a GridLocation_t sub-tree. chapter 4.5

CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newPointList(parent, name='PointList', value=None)

-PointList node creation -PointList


If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. Returns a new <node> representing a IndexArray_t sub-tree. chapter 4.6

CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newPointRange(parent, name='PointRange', value=[])

-PointRange node creation -PointRange


If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. Returns a new <node> representing a IndexRange_t sub-tree. chapter 4.7

CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newRind(parent, value)

-Rind node creation -Rind


If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. Returns a new <node> representing a Rind_t sub-tree. chapter 4.8

CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newDataConversion(parent, ConversionScale=1.0, ConversionOffset=1.0)

-DataConversion node creation -DataConversion


If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. Returns a new <node> representing a DataConversion_t sub-tree. chapter 5.1.1

CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newSimulationType(parent, stype='NonTimeAccurate')

-SimulationType node creation -SimulationType


If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. Returns a new <node> representing a SimulationType_t sub-tree. chapter 6.2

CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newOrdinal(parent, value=0)

-Ordinal node creation -Ordinal


If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. Returns a new <node> representing a Ordinal_t sub-tree. chapter 6.3

CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newZone(parent, name, zsize=None, ztype='Structured', family='')

Zone node creation:


  • Args:
  • parent: the parent node (<node> or None)
  • name: zone name (string)
  • zsize: array of dimensions (numpy.ndarray)
  • ztype: zone type (string)
  • family: zone family (string)
  • Return:
  • Remarks:
  • The zone size has dimensions [IndexDimensions][3]
  • Children:
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newGridCoordinates(parent, name)

-GridCoordinates node creation -Grid


Returns a new <node> representing a GridCoordinates_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list.

CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newDataArray(parent, name, value=None)

-DataArray node creation -Global


Returns a new <node> representing a DataArray_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. chapter 5.1

CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newDiscreteData(parent, name)

-DiscreteData node creation -DiscreteData


If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. Returns a new <node> representing a DiscreteData_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. chapter 6.3
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newElements(parent, name, etype='UserDefined', econnectivity=None, erange=None, eboundary=0)

Elements_t node creation:

  • Args:
  • parent: the parent node (<node> or None)
  • name: element node name (string)
  • etype: the type of element (string)
  • econnectivity: actual array of point connectivities (numpy.ndarray)
  • erange: the first and last index of the connectivity (numpy.ndarray)
  • eboundary: number of boundary elements (int)
  • Return:
  • Remarks:
  • If a parent is given, the new node is added to the parent children list.
  • The elementsrange should insure a unique and continuous index for all elements nodes in the same parent zone.
  • Children:
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newBoundary(parent, bname, brange, btype='Null', family=None, pttype='PointRange')

-BC node creation -BC


Returns a new <node> representing a BC_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. Parent should be Zone_t, returned node is parent. If the parent has already a child name ZoneBC then only the BC_t,IndexRange_t are created. chapter 9.3 Add IndexRange_t required

CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newBCDataSet(parent, name, valueType='Null')

-BCDataSet node creation -BCDataSet


If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. Returns a new <node> representing a BCDataSet_t sub-tree. chapter 9.4 Add node BCTypeSimple is required
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newBCData(parent, name)

-BCData node creation -BCData


Returns a new <node> representing a BCData_t sub-tree. chapter 9.5
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newBCProperty(parent, wallfunction='Null', area='Null')

-BCProperty node creation -BCProperty


Returns a new <node> representing a BCProperty_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. chapter 9.6
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newCoordinates(parent, name='GridCoordinates', value=None)

-GridCoordinates_t node creation with name GridCoordinates -Grid


Creates a new <node> representing a GridCoordinates_t sub-tree with the coordinate DataArray given as argument. This creates both the GridCoordinates_t with GridCoordinates name and DataArray_t with the argument name. Usually used to create the default grid. If the GridCoordinates_t with name GridCoordinates already exists then only the DataArray is created. If a parent is given, the new GridCoordinates_t <node> is added to the parent children list, in all cases the DataArray is child of GridCoordinates_t node. The returned node always is the DataArray_t node. chapter 7.1

CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newAxisymmetry(parent, refpoint=array([ 0., 0., 0.]), axisvector=array([ 0., 0., 0.]))

-Axisymmetry node creation -Axisymmetry


refpoint,axisvector should be a real array. Returns a new <node> representing a CK.Axisymmetry_t sub-tree. chapter 7.5 Add DataArray AxisymmetryAxisVector,AxisymmetryReferencePoint are required

CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newRotatingCoordinates(parent, rotcenter=array([ 0., 0., 0.]), ratev=array([ 0., 0., 0.]))

-RotatingCoordinates node creation -RotatingCoordinates


Returns a new <node> representing a RotatingCoordinates_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. rotcenter,ratev should be a real array. chapter 7.6 Add DataArray RotationRateVector,RotationCenter are required
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newFlowSolution(parent, name='{FlowSolution}', gridlocation=None)

-Solution node creation -Solution


Returns a new <node> representing a FlowSolution_t sub-tree. chapter 7.7

CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newZoneGridConnectivity(parent, name='ZoneGridConnectivity')

-GridConnectivity node creation -Grid


Creates a ZoneGridConnectivity_t sub-tree This sub-node is returned. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list, the parent should be a Zone_t. chapter 8.1

CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newGridConnectivity1to1(parent, name, dname, window, dwindow, trans)

-GridConnectivity1to1 node creation -Grid


Creates a GridConnectivity1to1_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list, the parent should be a Zone_t. The returned node is the GridConnectivity1to1_t chapter 8.2

CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newGridConnectivity(parent, name, dname, ctype='Overset')

-GridConnectivity node creation -Grid


Creates a GridConnectivity sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list, the parent should be a ZoneGridConnectivity_t. The returned node is the GridConnectivity_t chapter 8.4


-GridConnectivityProperty node creation -GridConnectivityProperty


Returns a new <node> representing a GridConnectivityProperty_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. chapter 8.5
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newPeriodic(parent, rotcenter=array([ 0., 0., 0.]), ratev=array([ 0., 0., 0.]), trans=array([ 0., 0., 0.]))

-Periodic node creation -Periodic


Returns a new <node> representing a Periodic_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. If the parent has already a child name Periodic then only the RotationCenter,RotationAngle,Translation are created. rotcenter,ratev,trans should be a real array. chapter 8.5.1 Add DataArray RotationCenter,RotationAngle,Translation are required
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newAverageInterface(parent, valueType='Null')

-AverageInterface node creation -AverageInterface


Returns a new <node> representing a AverageInterface_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. If the parent has already a child name AverageInterface then only the AverageInterfaceType is created. chapter 8.5.2
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newOversetHoles(parent, name, hrange)

-OversetHoles node creation -OversetHoles


Creates a OversetHoles_t sub-tree. the parent should be a Zone_t. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. chapter 8.6 Add PointList or List( PointRange ) are required


-FlowEquationSet node creation -FlowEquationSet


If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list.
Returns a new <node> representing a CK.FlowEquationSet_t sub-tree. chapter 10.1
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newGoverningEquations(parent, valueType='Euler')

-GoverningEquations node creation -GoverningEquations


Returns a new <node> representing a CK.GoverningEquations_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. If the parent has already a child name GoverningEquations then only the GoverningEquationsType is created. chapter 10.2 Add node GoverningEquationsType is required
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newGasModel(parent, valueType='Ideal')

-GasModel node creation -GasModel


Returns a new <node> representing a CK.GasModel_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. If the parent has already a child name GasModel then only the GasModelType is created. chapter 10.3 Add node GasModelType is required
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newThermalConductivityModel(parent, valueType='SutherlandLaw')

-ThermalConductivityModel node creation -ThermalConductivityModel


Returns a new <node> representing a CK.ThermalConductivityModel_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. If the parent has already a child name ThermalConductivityModel then only the ThermalConductivityModelType is created. chapter 10.5 Add node ThermalConductivityModelType is required
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newViscosityModel(parent, valueType='SutherlandLaw')

-ViscosityModel node creation -ViscosityModel


Returns a new <node> representing a CK.ViscosityModel_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. If the parent has already a child name ViscosityModel then only the ViscosityModelType is created. chapter 10.4 Add node ViscosityModelType is (r)
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newTurbulenceClosure(parent, valueType='Null')

-TurbulenceClosure node creation -TurbulenceClosure

Returns a new <node> representing a CK.TurbulenceClosure_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. If the parent has already a child name TurbulenceClosure then only the ViscosityModelType is created. chapter 10.5 Add node TurbulenceClosureType is (r)
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newTurbulenceModel(parent, valueType='OneEquation_SpalartAllmaras')

-TurbulenceModel node creation -TurbulenceModel


Returns a new <node> representing a CK.TurbulenceModel_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. If the parent has already a child name TurbulenceModel then only the TurbulenceModelType is created. chapter 10.6.2 Add node TurbulenceModelType is (r)
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newThermalRelaxationModel(parent, valueType='Null')

-ThermalRelaxationModel node creation -ThermalRelaxationModel


Returns a new <node> representing a CK.ThermalRelaxationModel_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. If the parent has already a child name ThermalRelaxationModel then only the ThermalRelaxationModelType is created. chapter 10.7 Add node ThermalRelaxationModelType is (r)
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newChemicalKineticsModel(parent, valueType='Null')

-ChemicalKineticsModel node creation -ChemicalKineticsModel


Returns a new <node> representing a CK.ChemicalKineticsModel_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. If the parent has already a child name ChemicalKineticsModel then only the ChemicalKineticsModelType is created. chapter 10.8 Add node ChemicalKineticsModelType is (r)
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newEMElectricFieldModel(parent, valueType='Null')

-EMElectricFieldModel node creation -EMElectricFieldModel


Returns a new <node> representing a CK.EMElectricFieldModel_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list.

If the parent has already a child name EMElectricFieldModel then

only the EMElectricFieldModelType is created. chapter 10.9 Add node EMElectricFieldModelType is (r)

CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newEMMagneticFieldModel(parent, valueType='Null')

-EMMagneticFieldModel node creation -EMMagneticFieldModel


Returns a new <node> representing a CK.EMMagneticFieldModel_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. If the parent has already a child name EMMagneticFieldModel_s then only the EMMagneticFieldModelType is created. chapter 10.9.2 Add node EMMagneticFieldModelType is (r)
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newEMConductivityModel(parent, valueType='Null')

-EMConductivityModel node creation -EMConductivityModel


Returns a new <node> representing a CK.EMConductivityModel_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. If the parent has already a child name EMConductivityModel then only the EMConductivityModelType is created. chapter 10.9.3 Add node EMConductivityModelType is (r)
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newBaseIterativeData(parent, name, nsteps=0, itype='IterationValues')

-BaseIterativeData node creation -BaseIterativeData


Returns a new <node> representing a BaseIterativeData_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. chapter 11.1.1 NumberOfSteps is required, TimeValues or IterationValues are required

CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newZoneIterativeData(parent, name)

-ZoneIterativeData node creation -ZoneIterativeData


Returns a new <node> representing a ZoneIterativeData_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. chapter 11.1.2
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newRigidGridMotion(parent, name, valueType='Null', vector=array([ 0., 0., 0.]))

-RigidGridMotion node creation -RigidGridMotion


If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list.
Returns a new <node> representing a CK.RigidGridMotion_t sub-tree. If the parent has already a child name RigidGridMotion then only the RigidGridMotionType is created and OriginLocation is created chapter 11.2 Add Node RigidGridMotionType and add DataArray OriginLocation are the only required
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newReferenceState(parent, name='ReferenceState')

-ReferenceState node creation -ReferenceState


Returns a new <node> representing a ReferenceState_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. chapter 12.1
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newConvergenceHistory(parent, name='GlobalConvergenceHistory', iterations=0)

-ConvergenceHistory node creation -ConvergenceHistory


Returns a new <node> representing a ConvergenceHistory_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. chapter 12.3
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newIntegralData(parent, name)

-IntegralData node creation -IntegralData


Returns a new <node> representing a IntegralData_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. chapter 12.5
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newFamily(parent, name)

-Family node creation -Family


Returns a new <node> representing a Family_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. chapter 12.6
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newGeometryReference(parent, name='{GeometryReference}', valueType='UserDefined')

-GeometryReference node creation -GeometryReference


Returns a new <node> representing a CK.GeometryFormat_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. If the parent has already a child name CK.GeometryReference then only the .GeometryFormat is created chapter 12.7 Add node CK.GeometryFormat_t is (r) and GeometryFile_t definition not find but is required (CAD file)
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newFamilyBC(parent, valueType='UserDefined')

-FamilyBC node creation -FamilyBC


Returns a new <node> representing a CK.FamilyBC_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. If the parent has already a child name FamilyBC then only the BCType is created chapter 12.8 Add node BCType is required
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newArbitraryGridMotion(parent, name, valuetype='Null')

Returns a new node representing a ArbitraryGridMotionType_t

  • parent – CGNS/Python node
  • name – String
  • valuetype – String (CGNS.PAT.cgnskeywords.ArbitraryGridMotionType)

If a parent is not None, the new node is added to the parent children list. If the parent has already a child with name RigidGridMotion then only the RigidGridMotionType is created.

CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newUserDefinedData(parent, name)

-UserDefinedData node creation -UserDefinedData


Returns a new <node> representing a UserDefinedData_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. chapter 12.9
CGNS.PAT.cgnslib.newGravity(parent, gvector=array([ 0., 0., 0.]))

-Gravity node creation -Gravity


Returns a new <node> representing a Gravity_t sub-tree. If a parent is given, the new <node> is added to the parent children list. gvector should be a real array chapter 12.10 Add DataArray GravityVector is required

SIDS patterns

The patterns are importable modules, they create a complete SIDS sub-tree with default values. There is no way to customize the default values or the actual contents of the sub-tree. The pattern creates the mandatory as well as the optional nodes. Once created, the user has to modify the sub-tree using the PAT.cgnsutils or PAT.cgnslib functions.

Once the pattern module is imported, the actual pattern is referenced by the data variable:

import as mysubtree

The pattern is a CGNS/Python list and thus it should be copied before any modification:

import BaseIterativeData_t
import copy


For example, you can use PAT.cgnslib to create a BaseIterativeData_t node with:


This call create the unique BaseIterativeData_t node (or sub-tree which is the same in this case because we have only one node). The new node is returned, the None argument means we do not define a parent node, it is up to the user to add this new node in a existing children list.

Now we can use the PAT.SIDS.BaseIterativeData_t which creates the same BaseIterativeData_t node as before, but also create the whole SIDS sub-tree with default values, here is a snippet of this pattern:

import CGNS.PAT.cgnslib      as C
import CGNS.PAT.cgnskeywords as K


You see all the mandatory and optional SIDS nodes are created, the user has to set his own values in the resulting sub-tree using the PAT.cgnslib or the PAT.cgnsutils functions.

CGNS Keywords

Instead of generating a new doc from a file, the file itself is included here. The purpose of is to declare all constants as Python variables. This leads to several advantages:

  • You cannot make a typo on a name. For example, if you use “ZoneGridConnectivity” as a plain string you may mistype it as “Zonegridconnectivity” or “ZoneGridConectivity” and this may silently produce a bad CGNS tree.
  • You can handle enumerate as lists. For example you have lists for units: MassUnits_l, LengthUnits_l, AllDimensionalUnits_l, AllUnits_l
  • You can identify what is a CGNS reserved or recommended name or not.
#  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  pyCGNS.PAT - Python package for CFD General Notation System - PATternMaker
#  See license.txt file in the root directory of this Python module source  
#  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#  $Release: v4.2.389 $
#  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------


 [1] A CGNS/SIDS string constant is postfixed with _s
 'ZoneType' is ZoneType_s

 [2] A CGNS/SIDS string constant naming a type has _ts
 'ZoneType_t' is ZoneType_ts

 [3] A list of possible values for a given type has _l
 ZoneType_l is [Null_s,UserDefined_s,Structured_s,Unstructured_s]
 which is same as ["Null","UserDefined","Structured","Unstructured"]
 List should be ordered wrt the actual enumerate

 [4] An enumerate mapping of a list of values is not prefixed
 ZoneType is {'Unstructured':3,'Null':0,'Structured':2,'UserDefined':1}

 [5] The reverse dictionnary of the previous one is postfixed with _
 ZoneType_ is {0:'Null',1:'UserDefined',2:'Structured',3:'Unstructured'}

 [6] The variables are declared with an integer value (not enumerates)
 wrt their position in the _l list, for example:

 [7] The _t type names are reserved for Cython, enums are then used as int:
 ctypedef int DataType_t
 int cg_array_read_as(int A, DataType_t type, void *Data)

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
import CGNS.pyCGNSconfig

def stringAsKeyDict(l):
  return dict(zip(l,range(len(l))))

def enumAsKeyDict(l):
  return dict(zip(range(len(l)),l))

# --------------------------------------------------
# --- ADF-level Datatypes

# --------------------------------------------------
# --- ADF-level Constants
ADF_DATE_LENGTH          =   32
ADF_FORMAT_LENGTH        =   20
ADF_LABEL_LENGTH         =   32
ADF_NAME_LENGTH          =   32
ADF_STATUS_LENGTH        =   32

ADF_ROOT_NODE_LABEL = "Root Node of HDF5 File"


# -------------------------------------------------- (NOT SIDS)
# --- CGNS/Python mapping extensions
CGNSTree_ts           = 'CGNSTree_t'
CGNSTree_s            = 'CGNSTree'

# --- Type with weird (coming from outer space) names
Transform_ts          = 'Transform_ts'
DiffusionModel_ts     = 'DiffusionModel_t'
EquationDimension_ts  = 'EquationDimension_t'
InwardNormalIndex_ts  = 'InwardNormalIndex_t'
IntIndexDimension_ts  = 'IntIndexDimension_ts'

# --- Add legacy strings for translation tools
Transform_ts2         = '"int[IndexDimension]"'
DiffusionModel_ts2    = '"int[1+...+IndexDimension]"'
EquationDimension_ts2 = '"int"'
InwardNormalIndex_ts2 = '"int[IndexDimension]"'

  Transform_ts2:         IntIndexDimension_ts,
  DiffusionModel_ts2:    DiffusionModel_ts,
  EquationDimension_ts2: EquationDimension_ts,
  InwardNormalIndex_ts2: IntIndexDimension_ts,

  Transform_ts:         Transform_ts2,
  DiffusionModel_ts:    DiffusionModel_ts2,
  EquationDimension_ts: EquationDimension_ts2,
  InwardNormalIndex_ts: InwardNormalIndex_ts2,

# -------------------------------------------------- (SIDS)
Null_s        = "Null"
UserDefined_s = "UserDefined"

# --------------------------------------------------
Kilogram_s  = "Kilogram"
Gram_s      = "Gram"
Slug_s      = "Slug"
PoundMass_s = "PoundMass"
MassUnits_l = [Null_s,UserDefined_s,

MassUnits   = stringAsKeyDict(MassUnits_l)
MassUnits_  = enumAsKeyDict(MassUnits_l)

# --------------------------------------------------
Meter_s       = "Meter"
Centimeter_s  = "Centimeter"
Millimeter_s  = "Millimeter"
Foot_s        = "Foot"
Inch_s        = "Inch"
LengthUnits_l = [Null_s,UserDefined_s,

LengthUnits   = stringAsKeyDict(LengthUnits_l)
LengthUnits_  = enumAsKeyDict(LengthUnits_l)

# --------------------------------------------------
Second_s    = "Second"
TimeUnits_l = [Null_s,UserDefined_s,Second_s]

TimeUnits   = stringAsKeyDict(TimeUnits_l)
TimeUnits_  = enumAsKeyDict(TimeUnits_l)

# --------------------------------------------------
Kelvin_s           = "Kelvin"
Celcius_s          = "Celcius"
Rankine_s          = "Rankine"
Fahrenheit_s       = "Fahrenheit"
TemperatureUnits_l = [Null_s,UserDefined_s,

TemperatureUnits   = stringAsKeyDict(TemperatureUnits_l)
TemperatureUnits_  = enumAsKeyDict(TemperatureUnits_l)

# --------------------------------------------------
Degree_s     = "Degree"
Radian_s     = "Radian"
AngleUnits_l = [Null_s,UserDefined_s,Degree_s,Radian_s]

AngleUnits   = stringAsKeyDict(AngleUnits_l)
AngleUnits_  = enumAsKeyDict(AngleUnits_l)

# --------------------------------------------------
Ampere_s               = "Ampere"
Abampere_s             = "Abampere"
Statampere_s           = "Statampere"
Edison_s               = "Edison"
auCurrent_s            = "auCurrent"
ElectricCurrentUnits_l = [Null_s,UserDefined_s,

ElectricCurrentUnits   = stringAsKeyDict(ElectricCurrentUnits_l)
ElectricCurrentUnits_  = enumAsKeyDict(ElectricCurrentUnits_l)

# --------------------------------------------------
Mole_s                 = "Mole"
Entities_s             = "Entities"
StandardCubicFoot_s    = "StandardCubicFoot"
StandardCubicMeter_s   = "StandardCubicMeter"
SubstanceAmountUnits_l =[Null_s,UserDefined_s,

SubstanceAmountUnits   = stringAsKeyDict(SubstanceAmountUnits_l)
SubstanceAmountUnits_  = enumAsKeyDict(SubstanceAmountUnits_l)

# --------------------------------------------------
Candela_s = "Candela"
Candle_s  = "Candle"
Carcel_s  = "Carcel"
Hefner_s  = "Hefner"
Violle_s  = "Violle"     
LuminousIntensityUnits_l = [Null_s,UserDefined_s,

LuminousIntensityUnits   = stringAsKeyDict(LuminousIntensityUnits_l)
LuminousIntensityUnits_  = enumAsKeyDict(LuminousIntensityUnits_l)

# --------------------------------------------------
DimensionalUnits_s    = "DimensionalUnits"
AdditionalUnits_s     = "AdditionalUnits"
AdditionalExponents_s = "AdditionalExponents"

AllDimensionalUnits_l = TimeUnits_l+MassUnits_l+LengthUnits_l\
AllAdditionalUnits_l  = LuminousIntensityUnits_l+SubstanceAmountUnits_l\
AllUnits_l            = AllDimensionalUnits_l+AllAdditionalUnits_l

# --------------------------------------------------
Dimensional_s                    = "Dimensional"
NormalizedByDimensional_s        = "NormalizedByDimensional"
NormalizedByUnknownDimensional_s = "NormalizedByUnknownDimensional"
NondimensionalParameter_s        = "NondimensionalParameter"
DimensionlessConstant_s          = "DimensionlessConstant"

DataClass_ts = "DataClass_t"
DataClass_s  = "DataClass"

# ------------------------------------------------------------
GridLocation_ts= "GridLocation_t"
GridLocation_s = "GridLocation"

Vertex_s       = "Vertex"
CellCenter_s   = "CellCenter"
FaceCenter_s   = "FaceCenter"
IFaceCenter_s  = "IFaceCenter"
JFaceCenter_s  = "JFaceCenter"
KFaceCenter_s  = "KFaceCenter"
EdgeCenter_s   = "EdgeCenter"

GridLocation_l = [Null_s,UserDefined_s,Vertex_s,CellCenter_s,FaceCenter_s,
GridLocation   = stringAsKeyDict(GridLocation_l)
GridLocation_  = enumAsKeyDict(GridLocation_l)

VertexSize_s         = "VertexSize"
CellSize_s           = "CellSize"
VertexSizeBoundary_s = "VertexSizeBoundary"

# ------------------------------------------------------------
PointSetType_ts = "PointSetType_t"

PointList_s       = "PointList"
PointListDonor_s  = "PointListDonor"
PointRange_s      = "PointRange"
PointRangeDonor_s = "PointRangeDonor"
ElementRange_s    = "ElementRange"
ElementList_s     = "ElementList"
CellListDonor_s   = "CellListDonor"

PointSetType_l = [Null_s,UserDefined_s,
PointSetType  = stringAsKeyDict(PointSetType_l)
PointSetType_ = enumAsKeyDict(PointSetType_l)

# ------------------------------------------------------------
BCDataType_ts = "BCDataType_t"
BCDataType_s  = "BCDataType"

DirichletData_s = "DirichletData"
NeumannData_s   = "NeumannData"
Dirichlet_s     = "Dirichlet"
Neumann_s       = "Neumann"

BCDataType   = stringAsKeyDict(BCDataType_l)
BCDataType_  = enumAsKeyDict(BCDataType_l)

FullPotential_s               = "FullPotential"
Euler_s                       = "Euler"
NSLaminar_s                   = "NSLaminar"
NSTurbulent_s                 = "NSTurbulent"
NSLaminarIncompressible_s     = "NSLaminarIncompressible"
NSTurbulentIncompressible_s   = "NSTurbulentIncompressible"

Ideal_s                       = "Ideal"
VanderWaals_s                 = "VanderWaals"
Constant_s                    = "Constant"
PowerLaw_s                    = "PowerLaw"
SutherlandLaw_s               = "SutherlandLaw"
ConstantPrandtl_s             = "ConstantPrandtl"
EddyViscosity_s               = "EddyViscosity"
ReynoldsStress_s              = "ReynoldsStress"
Algebraic_s                   = "Algebraic"
BaldwinLomax_s                = "BaldwinLomax"
ReynoldsStressAlgebraic_s     = "ReynoldsStressAlgebraic"
Algebraic_BaldwinLomax_s      = "Algebraic_BaldwinLomax"
Algebraic_CebeciSmith_s       = "Algebraic_CebeciSmith"
HalfEquation_JohnsonKing_s    = "HalfEquation_JohnsonKing"
OneEquation_BaldwinBarth_s    = "OneEquation_BaldwinBarth"
OneEquation_SpalartAllmaras_s = "OneEquation_SpalartAllmaras"
TwoEquation_JonesLaunder_s    = "TwoEquation_JonesLaunder"
TwoEquation_MenterSST_s       = "TwoEquation_MenterSST"
TwoEquation_Wilcox_s          = "TwoEquation_Wilcox"
CaloricallyPerfect_s          = "CaloricallyPerfect"
ThermallyPerfect_s            = "ThermallyPerfect"
ConstantDensity_s             = "ConstantDensity"
RedlichKwong_s                = "RedlichKwong"
Frozen_s                      = "Frozen"
ThermalEquilib_s              = "ThermalEquilib"
ThermalNonequilib_s           = "ThermalNonequilib"
ChemicalEquilibCurveFit_s     = "ChemicalEquilibCurveFit"
ChemicalEquilibMinimization_s = "ChemicalEquilibMinimization"
ChemicalNonequilib_s          = "ChemicalNonequilib"
EMElectricField_s             = "EMElectricField"
EMMagneticField_s             = "EMMagneticField"
EMConductivity_s              = "EMConductivity"
Voltage_s                     = "Voltage"
Interpolated_s                = "Interpolated"
Equilibrium_LinRessler_s      = "Equilibrium_LinRessler"
Chemistry_LinRessler_s        = "Chemistry_LinRessler"

FamilySpecified_s             = "FamilySpecified"

# --------------------------------------------------
DataType_ts    = "DataType_t"
DataType_s     = "DataType"

Integer_s      = "Integer"
LongInteger_s  = "LongInteger"
RealSingle_s   = "RealSingle"
RealDouble_s   = "RealDouble"
Character_s    = "Character"

DataType_l = [Null_s,UserDefined_s,
DataType   = stringAsKeyDict(DataType_l)
DataType_  = enumAsKeyDict(DataType_l)


# --------------------------------------------------
GridConnectivityType_ts = "GridConnectivityType_t"
GridConnectivityType_s  = "GridConnectivityType"
GridConnectivity_ts     = "GridConnectivity_t"
ZoneGridConnectivity_ts = "ZoneGridConnectivity_t"
ZoneGridConnectivity_s  = "ZoneGridConnectivity"

Overset_s       = "Overset"
Abutting_s      = "Abutting"
Abutting1to1_s  = "Abutting1to1"

GridConnectivityType_l = [Null_s,UserDefined_s,
GridConnectivityType   = stringAsKeyDict(GridConnectivityType_l)
GridConnectivityType_  = enumAsKeyDict(GridConnectivityType_l)


# --------------------------------------------------
ZoneType_ts    = "ZoneType_t"
ZoneType_s     = "ZoneType"
Zone_ts        = "Zone_t"

Structured_s   = "Structured"
Unstructured_s = "Unstructured"

ZoneType_l     = [Null_s,UserDefined_s,Structured_s,Unstructured_s]
ZoneType       = stringAsKeyDict(ZoneType_l)
ZoneType_      = enumAsKeyDict(ZoneType_l)


ZoneSubRegion_ts = "ZoneSubRegion_t"
BCRegionName_s   = "BCRegionName"
GridConnectivityRegionName_s = "GridConnectivityRegionName"

# --------------------------------------------------
SimulationType_ts = "SimulationType_t"
SimulationType_s  = "SimulationType"

TimeAccurate_s    = "TimeAccurate"
NonTimeAccurate_s = "NonTimeAccurate"

SimulationType_l  = [Null_s,UserDefined_s,TimeAccurate_s,NonTimeAccurate_s]
SimulationType    = stringAsKeyDict(SimulationType_l)
SimulationType_   = enumAsKeyDict(SimulationType_l)


# --------------------------------------------------
ConstantRate_s        = "ConstantRate"
VariableRate_s        = "VariableRate"
NonDeformingGrid_s    = "NonDeformingGrid"
DeformingGrid_s       = "DeformingGrid"
RigidGridMotionType_l = [Null_s,ConstantRate_s,VariableRate_s,UserDefined_s]


Generic_s                     = "Generic"
BleedArea_s                   = "BleedArea"
CaptureArea_s                 = "CaptureArea"
AverageAll_s                  = "AverageAll"
AverageCircumferential_s      = "AverageCircumferential"
AverageRadial_s               = "AverageRadial"
AverageI_s                    = "AverageI"
AverageJ_s                    = "AverageJ"
AverageK_s                    = "AverageK"
CGNSLibraryVersion_s          = "CGNSLibraryVersion"
CellDimension_s               = "CellDimension"
IndexDimension_s              = "IndexDimension"
PhysicalDimension_s           = "PhysicalDimension"
GridCoordinates_s             = "GridCoordinates"
CoordinateNames_s             = "CoordinateNames"
CoordinateX_s                 = "CoordinateX"
CoordinateY_s                 = "CoordinateY"
CoordinateZ_s                 = "CoordinateZ"
CoordinateR_s                 = "CoordinateR"
CoordinateTheta_s             = "CoordinateTheta"
CoordinatePhi_s               = "CoordinatePhi"
CoordinateNormal_s            = "CoordinateNormal"
CoordinateTangential_s        = "CoordinateTangential"
CoordinateXi_s                = "CoordinateXi"
CoordinateEta_s               = "CoordinateEta"
CoordinateZeta_s              = "CoordinateZeta"
CoordinateTransform_s         = "CoordinateTransform"
InterpolantsDonor_s           = "InterpolantsDonor"
ElementConnectivity_s         = "ElementConnectivity"
ParentData_s                  = "ParentData"
ParentElements_s              = "ParentElements"
ParentElementsPosition_s      = "ParentElementsPosition"
ElementSizeBoundary_s         = "ElementSizeBoundary"
VectorX_ps                    = "%sX"
VectorY_ps                    = "%sY"
VectorZ_ps                    = "%sZ"
VectorTheta_ps                = "%sTheta"
VectorPhi_ps                  = "%sPhi"
VectorMagnitude_ps            = "%sMagnitude"
VectorNormal_ps               = "%sNormal"
VectorTangential_ps           = "%sTangential"
Potential_s                   = "Potential"
StreamFunction_s              = "StreamFunction"
Density_s                     = "Density"
Pressure_s                    = "Pressure"
Temperature_s                 = "Temperature"
EnergyInternal_s              = "EnergyInternal"
Enthalpy_s                    = "Enthalpy"
Entropy_s                     = "Entropy"
EntropyApprox_s               = "EntropyApprox"
DensityStagnation_s           = "DensityStagnation"
PressureStagnation_s          = "PressureStagnation"
TemperatureStagnation_s       = "TemperatureStagnation"
EnergyStagnation_s            = "EnergyStagnation"
EnthalpyStagnation_s          = "EnthalpyStagnation"
EnergyStagnationDensity_s     = "EnergyStagnationDensity"
VelocityX_s                   = "VelocityX"
VelocityY_s                   = "VelocityY"
VelocityZ_s                   = "VelocityZ"
VelocityR_s                   = "VelocityR"
VelocityTheta_s               = "VelocityTheta"
VelocityPhi_s                 = "VelocityPhi"
VelocityMagnitude_s           = "VelocityMagnitude"
VelocityNormal_s              = "VelocityNormal"
VelocityTangential_s          = "VelocityTangential"
VelocitySound_s               = "VelocitySound"
VelocitySoundStagnation_s     = "VelocitySoundStagnation"
MomentumX_s                   = "MomentumX"
MomentumY_s                   = "MomentumY"
MomentumZ_s                   = "MomentumZ"
MomentumMagnitude_s           = "MomentumMagnitude"
RotatingVelocityX_s           = "RotatingVelocityX"
RotatingVelocityY_s           = "RotatingVelocityY"
RotatingVelocityZ_s           = "RotatingVelocityZ"
RotatingMomentumX_s           = "RotatingMomentumX"
RotatingMomentumY_s           = "RotatingMomentumY"
RotatingMomentumZ_s           = "RotatingMomentumZ"
RotatingVelocityMagnitude_s   = "RotatingVelocityMagnitude"
RotatingPressureStagnation_s  = "RotatingPressureStagnation"
RotatingEnergyStagnation_s    = "RotatingEnergyStagnation"
RotatingEnergyStagnationDensity_s = "RotatingEnergyStagnationDensity"
RotatingEnthalpyStagnation_s  = "RotatingEnthalpyStagnation"
EnergyKinetic_s               = "EnergyKinetic"
PressureDynamic_s             = "PressureDynamic"
SoundIntensityDB_s            = "SoundIntensityDB"
SoundIntensity_s              = "SoundIntensity"
VorticityX_s                  = "VorticityX"
VorticityY_s                  = "VorticityY"
VorticityZ_s                  = "VorticityZ"
VorticityMagnitude_s          = "VorticityMagnitude"
SkinFrictionX_s               = "SkinFrictionX"
SkinFrictionY_s               = "SkinFrictionY"
SkinFrictionZ_s               = "SkinFrictionZ"
SkinFrictionMagnitude_s       = "SkinFrictionMagnitude"
VelocityAngleX_s              = "VelocityAngleX"
VelocityAngleY_s              = "VelocityAngleY"
VelocityAngleZ_s              = "VelocityAngleZ"
VelocityUnitVectorX_s         = "VelocityUnitVectorX"
VelocityUnitVectorY_s         = "VelocityUnitVectorY"
VelocityUnitVectorZ_s         = "VelocityUnitVectorZ"
MassFlow_s                    = "MassFlow"
ViscosityKinematic_s          = "ViscosityKinematic"
ViscosityMolecular_s          = "ViscosityMolecular"
ViscosityEddyDynamic_s        = "ViscosityEddyDynamic"
ViscosityEddy_s               = "ViscosityEddy"
ThermalConductivity_s         = "ThermalConductivity"
PowerLawExponent_s            = "PowerLawExponent"
SutherlandLawConstant_s       = "SutherlandLawConstant"
TemperatureReference_s        = "TemperatureReference"
ViscosityMolecularReference_s = "ViscosityMolecularReference"
ThermalConductivityReference_s = "ThermalConductivityReference"
IdealGasConstant_s            = "IdealGasConstant"
SpecificHeatPressure_s        = "SpecificHeatPressure"
SpecificHeatVolume_s          = "SpecificHeatVolume"
ReynoldsStressXX_s            = "ReynoldsStressXX"
ReynoldsStressXY_s            = "ReynoldsStressXY"
ReynoldsStressXZ_s            = "ReynoldsStressXZ"
ReynoldsStressYY_s            = "ReynoldsStressYY"
ReynoldsStressYZ_s            = "ReynoldsStressYZ"
ReynoldsStressZZ_s            = "ReynoldsStressZZ"
LengthReference_s             = "LengthReference"
MolecularWeight_s             = "MolecularWeight"
MolecularWeight_ps            = "MolecularWeight%s"
HeatOfFormation_s             = "HeatOfFormation"
HeatOfFormation_ps            = "HeatOfFormation%s"
FuelAirRatio_s                = "FuelAirRatio"
ReferenceTemperatureHOF_s     = "ReferenceTemperatureHOF"
MassFraction_s                = "MassFraction"
MassFraction_ps               = "MassFraction%s"
LaminarViscosity_s            = "LaminarViscosity"
LaminarViscosity_ps           = "LaminarViscosity%s"
ThermalConductivity_ps        = "ThermalConductivity%s"
EnthalpyEnergyRatio_s         = "EnthalpyEnergyRatio"
CompressibilityFactor_s       = "CompressibilityFactor"
VibrationalElectronEnergy_s   = "VibrationalElectronEnergy"
VibrationalElectronTemperature_s = "VibrationalElectronTemperature"
SpeciesDensity_s              = "SpeciesDensity"
SpeciesDensity_ps             = "SpeciesDensity%s"
MoleFraction_s                = "MoleFraction"
MoleFraction_ps               = "MoleFraction%s"
ElectricFieldX_s              = "ElectricFieldX"
ElectricFieldY_s              = "ElectricFieldY"
ElectricFieldZ_s              = "ElectricFieldZ"
MagneticFieldX_s              = "MagneticFieldX"
MagneticFieldY_s              = "MagneticFieldY"
MagneticFieldZ_s              = "MagneticFieldZ"
CurrentDensityX_s             = "CurrentDensityX"
CurrentDensityY_s             = "CurrentDensityY"
CurrentDensityZ_s             = "CurrentDensityZ"
LorentzForceX_s               = "LorentzForceX"
LorentzForceY_s               = "LorentzForceY"
LorentzForceZ_s               = "LorentzForceZ"
ElectricConductivity_s        = "ElectricConductivity"
JouleHeating_s                = "JouleHeating"
TurbulentDistance_s           = "TurbulentDistance"
TurbulentEnergyKinetic_s      = "TurbulentEnergyKinetic"
TurbulentDissipation_s        = "TurbulentDissipation"
TurbulentDissipationRate_s    = "TurbulentDissipationRate"
TurbulentBBReynolds_s         = "TurbulentBBReynolds"
TurbulentSANuTilde_s          = "TurbulentSANuTilde"
Mach_s                        = "Mach"
Mach_Velocity_s               = "Mach_Velocity"
Mach_VelocitySound_s          = "Mach_VelocitySound"
Reynolds_s                    = "Reynolds"
Reynolds_Velocity_s           = "Reynolds_Velocity"
Reynolds_Length_s             = "Reynolds_Length"
Reynolds_ViscosityKinematic_s = "Reynolds_ViscosityKinematic"
Prandtl_s                     = "Prandtl"
Prandtl_ThermalConductivity_s = "Prandtl_ThermalConductivity"
Prandtl_ViscosityMolecular_s  = "Prandtl_ViscosityMolecular"
Prandtl_SpecificHeatPressure_s = "Prandtl_SpecificHeatPressure"
PrandtlTurbulent_s            = "PrandtlTurbulent"
SpecificHeatRatio_s           = "SpecificHeatRatio"
SpecificHeatRatio_Pressure_s  = "SpecificHeatRatio_Pressure"
SpecificHeatRatio_Volume_s    = "SpecificHeatRatio_Volume"
CoefPressure_s                = "CoefPressure"
CoefSkinFrictionX_s           = "CoefSkinFrictionX"
CoefSkinFrictionY_s           = "CoefSkinFrictionY"
CoefSkinFrictionZ_s           = "CoefSkinFrictionZ"
Coef_PressureDynamic_s        = "Coef_PressureDynamic"
Coef_PressureReference_s      = "Coef_PressureReference"
Vorticity_s                   = "Vorticity"
Acoustic_s                    = "Acoustic"
RiemannInvariantPlus_s        = "RiemannInvariantPlus"
RiemannInvariantMinus_s       = "RiemannInvariantMinus"
CharacteristicEntropy_s       = "CharacteristicEntropy"
CharacteristicVorticity1_s    = "CharacteristicVorticity1"
CharacteristicVorticity2_s    = "CharacteristicVorticity2"
CharacteristicAcousticPlus_s  = "CharacteristicAcousticPlus"
CharacteristicAcousticMinus_s = "CharacteristicAcousticMinus"
ForceX_s                      = "ForceX"
ForceY_s                      = "ForceY"
ForceZ_s                      = "ForceZ"
ForceR_s                      = "ForceR"
ForceTheta_s                  = "ForceTheta"
ForcePhi_s                    = "ForcePhi"
Lift_s                        = "Lift"
Drag_s                        = "Drag"
MomentX_s                     = "MomentX"
MomentY_s                     = "MomentY"
MomentZ_s                     = "MomentZ"
MomentR_s                     = "MomentR"
MomentTheta_s                 = "MomentTheta"
MomentPhi_s                   = "MomentPhi"
MomentXi_s                    = "MomentXi"
MomentEta_s                   = "MomentEta"
MomentZeta_s                  = "MomentZeta"
Moment_CenterX_s              = "Moment_CenterX"
Moment_CenterY_s              = "Moment_CenterY"
Moment_CenterZ_s              = "Moment_CenterZ"
CoefLift_s                    = "CoefLift"
CoefDrag_s                    = "CoefDrag"
CoefMomentX_s                 = "CoefMomentX"
CoefMomentY_s                 = "CoefMomentY"
CoefMomentZ_s                 = "CoefMomentZ"
CoefMomentR_s                 = "CoefMomentR"
CoefMomentTheta_s             = "CoefMomentTheta"
CoefMomentPhi_s               = "CoefMomentPhi"
CoefMomentXi_s                = "CoefMomentXi"
CoefMomentEta_s               = "CoefMomentEta"
CoefMomentZeta_s              = "CoefMomentZeta"
Coef_PressureDynamic_s        = "Coef_PressureDynamic"
Coef_Area_s                   = "Coef_Area"
Coef_Length_s                 = "Coef_Length"
TimeValues_s                  = "TimeValues"
IterationValues_s             = "IterationValues"
NumberOfZones_s               = "NumberOfZones"
NumberOfFamilies_s            = "NumberOfFamilies"
NumberOfSteps_s               = "NumberOfSteps"
DataConversion_s              = "DataConversion"

ZonePointers_s                = "ZonePointers"
FamilyPointers_s              = "FamilyPointers"
RigidGridMotionPointers_s     = "RigidGridMotionPointers"
ArbitraryGridMotionPointers_s = "ArbitraryGridMotionPointers"
GridCoordinatesPointers_s     = "GridCoordinatesPointers"
FlowSolutionPointers_s        = "FlowSolutionPointers"
ZoneGridConnectivityPointers_s= "ZoneGridConnectivityPointers"
ZoneSubRegionPointers_s       = "ZoneSubRegionPointers"
PointerNames_l = [ZonePointers_s,FamilyPointers_s,RigidGridMotionPointers_s,

OriginLocation_s              = "OriginLocation"
RigidRotationAngle_s          = "RigidRotationAngle"
Translation_s                 = "Translation"
RotationAngle_s               = "RotationAngle"
RigidVelocity_s               = "RigidVelocity"
RigidRotationRate_s           = "RigidRotationRate"
GridVelocityX_s               = "GridVelocityX"
GridVelocityY_s               = "GridVelocityY"
GridVelocityZ_s               = "GridVelocityZ"
GridVelocityR_s               = "GridVelocityR"
GridVelocityTheta_s           = "GridVelocityTheta"
GridVelocityPhi_s             = "GridVelocityPhi"
GridVelocityXi_s              = "GridVelocityXi"
GridVelocityEta_s             = "GridVelocityEta"
GridVelocityZeta_s            = "GridVelocityZeta"

ArbitraryGridMotion_ts        = "ArbitraryGridMotion_t"
ArbitraryGridMotion_s         = "ArbitraryGridMotion"
ArbitraryGridMotionType_l     = [Null_s,NonDeformingGrid_s,

ArbitraryGridMotionType_s     ="ArbitraryGridMotionType"
ArbitraryGridMotionType_ts    ="ArbitraryGridMotionType_t"

Area_ts                       = "Area_t"
Area_s                        = "Area"
AreaType_ts                   = "AreaType_t"
AreaType_s                    = "AreaType"
SurfaceArea_s                 = "SurfaceArea"
RegionName_s                  = "RegionName"
AverageInterface_ts           = "AverageInterface_t"
Axisymmetry_ts                = "Axisymmetry_t"
Axisymmetry_s                 = "Axisymmetry"
AxisymmetryReferencePoint_s   = "AxisymmetryReferencePoint"
AxisymmetryAxisVector_s       = "AxisymmetryAxisVector"
AxisymmetryAngle_s            = "AxisymmetryAngle"
BCDataSet_ts                  = "BCDataSet_t"
BCData_ts                     = "BCData_t"
BCData_s                      = "BCData"

BCProperty_ts                 = "BCProperty_t"
BCProperty_s                  = "BCProperty"
BC_ts                         = "BC_t"

BaseIterativeData_ts          = "BaseIterativeData_t"
BaseIterativeData_s           = "BaseIterativeData"

CGNSBase_ts                   = "CGNSBase_t"
CGNSLibraryVersion_ts         = "CGNSLibraryVersion_t"

# --------------------------------------------------
ConvergenceHistory_ts         = "ConvergenceHistory_t"
ZoneConvergenceHistory_s      = "ZoneConvergenceHistory"
GlobalConvergenceHistory_s    = "GlobalConvergenceHistory"

ConvergenceHistory_l          = [ZoneConvergenceHistory_s,

NormDefinitions_s             ="NormDefinitions"

DataArray_ts                  = "DataArray_t"
DataConversion_ts             = "DataConversion_t"
Descriptor_ts                 = "Descriptor_t"

# --------------------------------------------------
DimensionalExponents_ts       = "DimensionalExponents_t"
DimensionalExponents_s        = "DimensionalExponents"
DimensionalUnits_ts           = "DimensionalUnits_t"
AdditionalUnits_ts            = "AdditionalUnits_t"
AdditionalExponents_ts        = "AdditionalExponents_t"

DiscreteData_ts               = "DiscreteData_t"
DiscreteData_s                = "DiscreteData"

FamilyBC_s                    = "FamilyBC"
FamilyBC_ts                   = "FamilyBC_t"
FamilyBCDataSet_ts            = "FamilyBCDataSet_t"

FamilyName_ts                 = "FamilyName_t"
FamilyName_s                  = "FamilyName"
AdditionalFamilyName_ts       = "AdditionalFamilyName_t"
AdditionalFamilyName_s        = "AdditionalFamilyName"
Family_ts                     = "Family_t"
Family_s                      = "Family"
FlowEquationSet_ts            = "FlowEquationSet_t"
FlowEquationSet_s             = "FlowEquationSet"
FlowSolution_ts               = "FlowSolution_t"
GasModel_ts                   = "GasModel_t"
GasModel_s                    = "GasModel"

GeometryEntity_ts             = "GeometryEntity_t"
GeometryFile_ts               = "GeometryFile_t"
GeometryFile_s                = "GeometryFile"

GeometryFormat_s              = "GeometryFormat"
GeometryFormat_ts             = "GeometryFormat_t"

# not supported '-'
NASAIGES_s                    ="NASA-IGES"
ICEMCFD_s                     ="ICEM-CFD"

SDRC_s                        ="SDRC"
Unigraphics_s                 ="Unigraphics"
ProEngineer_s                 ="ProEngineer"
GeometryFormat_l              =[Null_s,NASAIGES_s,SDRC_s,Unigraphics_s,
GeometryReference_ts          = "GeometryReference_t"
GeometryReference_s           = "GeometryReference"

Gravity_ts                    = "Gravity_t"
Gravity_s                     = "Gravity"
GravityVector_s               = "GravityVector"

GridConnectivity1to1_ts       = "GridConnectivity1to1_t"
GridConnectivityProperty_ts   = "GridConnectivityProperty_t"
GridConnectivityProperty_s    = "GridConnectivityProperty"

GridCoordinates_ts            = "GridCoordinates_t"
IndexArray_ts                 = "IndexArray_t"
IndexRange_ts                 = "IndexRange_t"
IntegralData_ts               = "IntegralData_t"
InwardNormalList_ts           = "InwardNormalList_t"
InwardNormalList_s            = "InwardNormalList"
InwardNormalIndex_s           = "InwardNormalIndex"
Ordinal_ts                    = "Ordinal_t"
Ordinal_s                     = "Ordinal"
Transform_s                   = "Transform"
OversetHoles_ts               = "OversetHoles_t"
OversetHoles_s                = "OversetHoles"
Periodic_ts                   = "Periodic_t"
Periodic_s                    = "Periodic"

ReferenceState_ts             = "ReferenceState_t"
ReferenceState_s              = "ReferenceState"
ReferenceStateDescription_s   = "ReferenceStateDescription"

RigidGridMotion_ts            = "RigidGridMotion_t"
RigidGridMotion_s             = "RigidGridMotion"

Rind_s                        = "Rind"
Rind_ts                       = "Rind_t"

RotatingCoordinates_s         = "RotatingCoordinates"
RotatingCoordinates_ts        = "RotatingCoordinates_t"
RotationRateVector_s          = "RotationRateVector"
RotationCenter_s              = "RotationCenter"

GoverningEquations_s          = "GoverningEquations"
GoverningEquations_ts         = "GoverningEquations_t"
GoverningEquationsType_l      = [Euler_s,NSLaminar_s,NSTurbulent_s]
GoverningEquationsType_s      = "GoverningEquationsType"
GoverningEquationsType_ts     = "GoverningEquationsType_t"

# --------------------------------------------------
BCType_s                   = "BCType"
BCType_ts                  = "BCType_t"
BCTypeSimple_s             = "BCTypeSimple"
BCTypeSimple_ts            = "BCTypeSimple_t"

BCAxisymmetricWedge_s      = "BCAxisymmetricWedge"
BCDegenerateLine_s         = "BCDegenerateLine"
BCDegeneratePoint_s        = "BCDegeneratePoint"
BCDirichlet_s              = "BCDirichlet"
BCExtrapolate_s            = "BCExtrapolate"
BCFarfield_s               = "BCFarfield"
BCGeneral_s                = "BCGeneral"
BCInflow_s                 = "BCInflow"
BCInflowSubsonic_s         = "BCInflowSubsonic"
BCInflowSupersonic_s       = "BCInflowSupersonic"
BCNeumann_s                = "BCNeumann"
BCOutflow_s                = "BCOutflow"
BCOutflowSubsonic_s        = "BCOutflowSubsonic"
BCOutflowSupersonic_s      = "BCOutflowSupersonic"
BCSymmetryPlane_s          = "BCSymmetryPlane"
BCSymmetryPolar_s          = "BCSymmetryPolar"
BCTunnelInflow_s           = "BCTunnelInflow"
BCTunnelOutflow_s          = "BCTunnelOutflow"
BCWall_s                   = "BCWall"
BCWallInviscid_s           = "BCWallInviscid"
BCWallViscous_s            = "BCWallViscous"
BCWallViscousHeatFlux_s    = "BCWallViscousHeatFlux"
BCWallViscousIsothermal_s  = "BCWallViscousIsothermal"

BCType_l = [Null_s,UserDefined_s,
BCType   = stringAsKeyDict(BCType_l)
BCType_  = enumAsKeyDict(BCType_l)

FamilyBC_l = BCType_l
FamilyBC   = BCType
FamilyBC_  = BCType_

# CAUTION, index of values in the lists below cannot be used as enumerate,
# the lists are subset of the global list and some index are missing.
BCTypeSimple_l   =[Null_s,BCGeneral_s,BCDirichlet_s,BCNeumann_s,
BCTypeCompound_l = [BCInflow_s,BCOutflow_s,BCFarfield_s,

# --------------------------------------------------
ThermalConductivityModel_ts          = "ThermalConductivityModel_t"
ThermalConductivityModel_s           = "ThermalConductivityModel"
ThermalConductivityModelType_l       = [Null_s,ConstantPrandtl_s,PowerLaw_s,
ThermalConductivityModelType_s       = "ThermalConductivityModelType"
ThermalConductivityModelType_ts      = "ThermalConductivityModelType_t"
ThermalConductivityModelIdentifier_l = [(Prandtl_s),(PowerLawExponent_s),

TurbulenceClosure_ts          = "TurbulenceClosure_t"
TurbulenceClosure_s           = "TurbulenceClosure"
TurbulenceClosureType_l       = [Null_s,EddyViscosity_s,ReynoldsStress_s,
TurbulenceClosureType_s       = "TurbulenceClosureType"
TurbulenceClosureType_ts      = "TurbulenceClosureType_t"
TurbulenceClosureIdentifier_l = [PrandtlTurbulent_s]

TurbulenceModel_ts     = "TurbulenceModel_t"
TurbulenceModel_s      = "TurbulenceModel"
TurbulenceModelType_l  = [Null_s,Algebraic_BaldwinLomax_s,
TurbulenceModelType_s  = "TurbulenceModelType"
TurbulenceModelType_ts = "TurbulenceModelType_t"

DiffusionModel_s    = 'DiffusionModel'
EquationDimension_s = 'EquationDimension'

ViscosityModel_ts          = "ViscosityModel_t"
ViscosityModel_s           = "ViscosityModel"
ViscosityModelType_l       = [Constant_s,PowerLaw_s,SutherlandLaw_s,
ViscosityModelType_s       = "ViscosityModelType"
ViscosityModelType_ts      = "ViscosityModelType_t"
ViscosityModelIdentifier_l = [(PowerLawExponent_s),(SutherlandLawConstant_s),

GasModelType_l       = [Null_s,Ideal_s,VanderWaals_s,CaloricallyPerfect_s,
GasModelType_s       = "GasModelType"
GasModelType_ts      = "GasModelType_t"
GasModelIdentifier_l = [IdealGasConstant_s,SpecificHeatRatio_s,

ThermalRelaxationModel_ts     = "ThermalRelaxationModel_t"
ThermalRelaxationModel_s      = "ThermalRelaxationModel"
ThermalRelaxationModelType_l  = [Null_s,Frozen_s,ThermalEquilib_s,
ThermalRelaxationModelType_s  = "ThermalRelaxationModelType"
ThermalRelaxationModelType_ts = "ThermalRelaxationModelType_t"

ChemicalKineticsModel_ts          = "ChemicalKineticsModel_t"
ChemicalKineticsModel_s           = "ChemicalKineticsModel"
ChemicalKineticsModelType_l       = [Null_s,Frozen_s,ChemicalEquilibCurveFit_s,
ChemicalKineticsModelType_s       = "ChemicalKineticsModelType"
ChemicalKineticsModelType_ts      = "ChemicalKineticsModelType_t"
ChemicalKineticsModelIdentifier_l = [FuelAirRatio_s,ReferenceTemperatureHOF_s]

EMElectricFieldModel_s      = "EMElectricFieldModel"
EMElectricFieldModel_ts     = "EMElectricFieldModel_t"
EMElectricFieldModelType_l  = [Null_s,Constant_s,Frozen_s,
EMElectricFieldModelType_s  = "EMElectricFieldModelType"
EMElectricFieldModelType_ts = "EMElectricFieldModelType_t"

EMMagneticFieldModel_s      = "EMMagneticFieldModel"
EMMagneticFieldModel_ts     = "EMMagneticFieldModel_t"
EMMagneticFieldModelType_l  = [Null_s,Constant_s,Frozen_s,
EMMagneticFieldModelType_s  = "EMMagneticFieldModelType"
EMMagneticFieldModelType_ts = "EMMagneticFieldModelType_t"

EMConductivityModel_s           = "EMConductivityModel"
EMConductivityModel_ts          = "EMConductivityModel_t"
EMConductivityModelType_l       = [Null_s,Constant_s,Frozen_s,
EMConductivityModelType_s       = "EMConductivityModelType"
EMConductivityModelType_ts      = "EMConductivityModelType_t"
EMConductivityModelIdentifier_l = [ElectricFieldX_s,ElectricFieldY_s,

AverageInterfaceType_s  = "AverageInterfaceType"
AverageInterfaceType_ts = "AverageInterfaceType_t"
AverageInterfaceType_l  = [Null_s,AverageAll_s,AverageCircumferential_s,
AverageInterface_s      = "AverageInterface"
AverageInterface_ts     = "AverageInterface_t"

NODE_s     = "NODE"
BAR_2_s    = "BAR_2"
BAR_3_s    = "BAR_3"
TRI_3_s    = "TRI_3"
TRI_6_s    = "TRI_6"
QUAD_4_s   = "QUAD_4"
QUAD_8_s   = "QUAD_8"
QUAD_9_s   = "QUAD_9"
TETRA_4_s  = "TETRA_4"
TETRA_10_s = "TETRA_10"
PYRA_5_s   = "PYRA_5"
PYRA_13_s  = "PYRA_13"
PYRA_14_s  = "PYRA_14"
PENTA_6_s  = "PENTA_6"
PENTA_15_s = "PENTA_15"
PENTA_18_s = "PENTA_18"
HEXA_8_s   = "HEXA_8"
HEXA_20_s  = "HEXA_20"
HEXA_27_s  = "HEXA_27"
MIXED_s    = "MIXED"
NGON_n_s   = "NGON_n"
NFACE_n_s  = "NFACE_n"
BAR_4_s    = "BAR_4"
TRI_9_s    = "TRI_9"
TRI_10_s   = "TRI_10"
QUAD_12_s  = "QUAD_12"
QUAD_16_s  = "QUAD_16"
TETRA_16_s = "TETRA_16"
TETRA_20_s = "TETRA_20"
PYRA_21_s  = "PYRA_21"
PYRA_29_s  = "PYRA_29"
PYRA_30_s  = "PYRA_30"
PENTA_24_s = "PENTA_24"
PENTA_38_s = "PENTA_38"
PENTA_40_s = "PENTA_40"
HEXA_32_s  = "HEXA_32"
HEXA_56_s  = "HEXA_56"
HEXA_64_s  = "HEXA_64"

Null_npe        = 0
UserDefined_npe = 0

NODE_npe     =  1
BAR_2_npe    =  2
BAR_3_npe    =  3
TRI_3_npe    =  3
TRI_6_npe    =  6
QUAD_4_npe   =  4
QUAD_8_npe   =  8
QUAD_9_npe   =  9
TETRA_4_npe  =  4
TETRA_10_npe = 10
PYRA_5_npe   =  5
PYRA_13_npe  = 13
PYRA_14_npe  = 14
PENTA_6_npe  =  6
PENTA_15_npe = 15
PENTA_18_npe = 18
HEXA_8_npe   =  8
HEXA_20_npe  = 20
HEXA_27_npe  = 27
MIXED_npe    =  0
NGON_n_npe   =  0
NFACE_n_npe  =  0
BAR_4_npe    =  4
TRI_9_npe    =  9
TRI_10_npe   = 10
QUAD_12_npe  = 12
QUAD_16_npe  = 16
TETRA_16_npe = 16
TETRA_20_npe = 20
PYRA_21_npe  = 21
PYRA_29_npe  = 29
PYRA_30_npe  = 30
PENTA_24_npe = 24
PENTA_38_npe = 38
PENTA_40_npe = 40
HEXA_32_npe  = 32
HEXA_56_npe  = 56
HEXA_64_npe  = 64

Elements_ts    = "Elements_t"
ElementType_ts = "ElementType_t"
ElementType_s  = "ElementType"
Elements_s     = "Elements"
ElementType_l  = [Null_s, UserDefined_s, NODE_s, BAR_2_s, BAR_3_s,
                 TRI_3_s, TRI_6_s, QUAD_4_s, QUAD_8_s, QUAD_9_s,
                 TETRA_4_s, TETRA_10_s, PYRA_5_s, PYRA_14_s,
                 PENTA_6_s, PENTA_15_s, PENTA_18_s,
                 HEXA_8_s, HEXA_20_s, HEXA_27_s, MIXED_s, PYRA_13_s,
                 NGON_n_s, NFACE_n_s, BAR_4_s, TRI_9_s, TRI_10_s, QUAD_12_s,
                 QUAD_16_s, TETRA_16_s, TETRA_20_s, PYRA_21_s, PYRA_29_s,
                 PYRA_30_s, PENTA_24_s, PENTA_38_s, PENTA_40_s, HEXA_32_s,
                 HEXA_56_s, HEXA_64_s ]
ElementTypeNPE_l = [Null_npe, UserDefined_npe, NODE_npe, BAR_2_npe, BAR_3_npe,
                   TRI_3_npe, TRI_6_npe, QUAD_4_npe, QUAD_8_npe, QUAD_9_npe,
                   TETRA_4_npe, TETRA_10_npe, PYRA_5_npe, PYRA_14_npe,
                   PENTA_6_npe, PENTA_15_npe, PENTA_18_npe,
                   HEXA_8_npe, HEXA_20_npe, HEXA_27_npe, MIXED_npe, 
                   PYRA_13_npe, NGON_n_npe, NFACE_n_npe, BAR_4_npe, TRI_9_npe,
                   TRI_10_npe, QUAD_12_npe, QUAD_16_npe, TETRA_16_npe,
                   TETRA_20_npe, PYRA_21_npe, PYRA_29_npe,
                   PYRA_30_npe, PENTA_24_npe, PENTA_38_npe, PENTA_40_npe,
                   HEXA_32_npe, HEXA_56_npe, HEXA_64_npe]
ElementType    = stringAsKeyDict(ElementType_l)
ElementType_   = enumAsKeyDict(ElementType_l)
ElementTypeNPE = dict(zip(ElementType_l,ElementTypeNPE_l))
(Null, UserDefined, NODE, BAR_2, BAR_3,
 TRI_3, TRI_6, QUAD_4, QUAD_8, QUAD_9,
 TETRA_4, TETRA_10, PYRA_5, PYRA_14,
 HEXA_8, HEXA_20, HEXA_27, MIXED, PYRA_13,
 BAR_4, TRI_9, TRI_10, QUAD_12,
 QUAD_16, TETRA_16, TETRA_20, PYRA_21, PYRA_29,
 PYRA_30, PENTA_24, PENTA_38, PENTA_40, HEXA_32,
 HEXA_56, HEXA_64)=ElementType_.keys()

WallFunction_ts               = "WallFunction_t"
WallFunction_s                = "WallFunction"
WallFunctionType_ts           = "WallFunctionType_t"
WallFunctionType_s            = "WallFunctionType"
ZoneBC_ts                     = "ZoneBC_t"
ZoneBC_s                      = "ZoneBC"
ZoneIterativeData_ts          = "ZoneIterativeData_t"
ZoneIterativeData_s           = "ZoneIterativeData"

UserDefinedData_ts            = "UserDefinedData_t"

# ---
cgnsnames=[globals()[k] for k in dir() if (k[-2:]=='_s')]
cgnstypes=[globals()[k] for k in dir() if (k[-3:]=='_ts')]
for k in dir():
  if (k[-2:]=='_l'): cgnsenums[k[:-1]+'t']=locals()[k]
# --- last line

Error codes and functions

The errors are managed using exceptions. The base class is cgnsException, the derived classes are in the list below, for each class you can have several error codes. For example you can catch cgnsNameError and have a more detailled error diagnostic with the error code:

except CGE.cgnsNameError:
  # skip exception
  # a cgnsNameError is a cgnsException

except CGE.cgnsException,why:
  # get message and print it
  # actually 'why' is the exception object but print calls its __str__
  print why

except CGE.cgnsNameError,exc:
  # a cgnsException has a 'code' attribute (the integer error code)
  # a 'value' attribute with a tuple of arguments set at raise time
  # a cgnsNameError is a cgnsException
  if (exc.code==21): print 'Cannot find node ',exc.value


code Message
21 No node with name [%s]
22 Node name should have type string
23 Empty string is not allowed for a node name
24 Node name should not contain a ‘/’
25 Node name length should not be greater than 32 chars
102 Duplicated child name [%s] in [%s]


code Message
1 Node is empty !
2 Node should be a list of <name, value, children, type>
3 Node name should be a string
4 Node [%s] children list should be a list
5 Node [%s] bad value: should be a numpy object


code Message
103 Node type of [%s] not [%s]
104 Node type of [%s] not in %s


code Message

The official CGNS web site, by extension any document on this web site has an official taste...
The specific purpose of the CFD General Notation System (CGNS) project is to provide a standard for recording and recovering computer data associated with the numerical solution of the equations of fluid dynamics. See also the How to?.
The Standard Interface Data Structure is the specification of the data model. This public document describes the syntax and the semantics of all tree-structured data required or proposed for a CFD simulation.
The Mid-Level Library is an example implementation of CGNS/SIDS on top of CGNS/ADF and CGNS/HDF5 mappings. This library has a C and a Fortran API.
The Advanced Data Format *CGNS/SIDS* implementation. A binary storage format and its companion library, developped by Boeing.
The Hierarchical Data Format *CGNS/SIDS* implementation. A binary storage format and its companion library (see below).
The Python programming language *CGNS/SIDS* implementation.
A CGNS/HDF5 compliant implementation. The CHLone library is available on SourceForge.
A powerful storage system for large data. The HDF5 library should be seen as a middleware system with a lot of powerful features related to efficient, portable and trustable storage mean.
An object oriented interpreted programming language.
A compiler tool that translate Python/Numpy into C code for performance purpose.
The numerical library for Python. Numpy is used to store the data in Python arrays which have a direct memory mapping to actual C or Fortran memory.
A visualization toolkit used to display 3D objects ni CGNS.NAV.
The Python interface for the Qt toolkit. PySide
A powerful graphical toolkit available under GPL v3, LGPL v2 and a commercial license. The current use of Qt is under LGPL v2 in pyCGNS.

PAT Index