Create a new node with and bind it to its parent:
import CGNS.PAT.cgnskeywords as CK
import numpy
# you can safely create a node without referencing its return,
# the actual new node is stored into the parent's children list
Parameters: |
Returns: | the new node |
Remarks : |
Creates a new node sub-tree as a copy of the argument node sub-tree. A deep copy is performed on the node, including the values, which can lead to a very large memory use:
Parameters: |
Returns: | The new node |
Remarks : |
Deletes a node from a tree:
import CGNS.PAT.cgnslib as CL
import CGNS.PAT.cgnsutils as CU
import numpy
T =CL.newCGNSTree()
print CU.getPathFullTree(T)
# ['/CGNSLibraryVersion', '/Base',
# '/Base/Zone1','/Base/Zone1/ZoneType',
# '/Base/Zone2', '/Base/Zone2/ZoneType']
print CU.getPathFullTree(T)
# ['/CGNSLibraryVersion', '/Base', '/Base/Zone2', '/Base/Zone2/ZoneType']
Parameters: |
Return : | The tree argument (without the deleted node) |
Remarks : |
Checks if the name is CGNS/Python compliant node name:
if (not checkNodeName(node)):
print 'Such name ',name,' not allowed'
Parameters: | node (CGNS/Python) – node to check |
Returns: | True if the name has a correct syntax |
Remarks : |
Checks if the name is CGNS/Python compliant node name. The name should be a Python string of type str or unicode, but str is strongly recommanded. A name should follow these requirements:
Additional checks can be performed with the strict flag set to True, these checks are not CGNS compliant:
The check following pattern shows a two steps verification:
if (not checkName(name)):
raise Exception('Such name %s not allowed'%name)
elif (not checkName(name,strict=True)):
print 'name ok but unsafe'
Parameters: |
Returns: | True if the name has a correct syntax |
Remarks : |
Raises : | codes 22,23,24,25,29,31,32,33,34 if dienow is True |
Adds a child node to the parent node children list:
Parameters: |
Returns: | The parent node |
Remarks : |
Checks if the name is not already in the children list of the parent:
while (not checkDuplicatedName(node,'solution#%.3d'%count)): count+=1
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Remarks : |
Raise : | cgnsNameError code 102 if dienow is True |
Checks if the name is in the children list of the parent:
while (checkChildName(node,'solution#%.3d'%count)): count+=1
Parameters: |
Returns: | True if the child exists |
Remarks : |
Raise : | cgnsNameError code 102 if dienow is True |
Checks if the name is in the children list of the parent, if the name already exists, a new name is returned. If the name doesn’t exist the name itself is returned:
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Check the CGNS type of a node. The type can be a single value or a list of values. Each type to check is a string such as CGNS.PAT.cgnskeywords.CGNSBase_ts constant for example. If the list is empty, the check uses the list of all existing CGNS types:
import CGNS.PAT.cgnskeywords as CK
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Raises : | cgnsTypeError codes 103,104,40 if dienow is True |
Remarks : |
same as checkNodeType
same as checkType but checks the parent type instead of the current node
Checks if a node is a compliant CGNS/Python node structure of list. The syntax for a compliant node structure is:
[<name:string>, <value:numpy>, <children:list-of-nodes>, <cgnstype:string>]
With the following exception: a value can be None.
The function checks the syntax of the node and the types of its contents, it doesn’t perform sub checks such as checkNodeName, checkNodeType...
You should always check first the node structure, a function such as checkNodeName blindly access to the first item of the list and would raise an exception if the structure is not correct.
Parameters: | node (CGNS/Python) – the CGNS/Python node to check |
Returns: | True if the node is ok |
Remarks : |
Raise : | cgnsNodeError codes 1,2,3,4,5 if dienow is True |
Checks if a node is the CGNS/Python tree root node. If legacy is True, then [None, None, [children], None] is accepted as Root. If it is not True (default) then a CGNS/Python node of type CGNSTree_t is expected as root node. Children contains then the CGNSLibraryVersion and CGNSBase nodes as flat list. The flat pattern with a list containing CGNSLibraryVersion and zero or more CGNSBase nodes is not accepted. You should use a trick as the one above by giving this pattern as child of a fake node:
# flatpattern is a CGNS/Python list with a `CGNSLibraryVersion` node
# and `CGNSBase` nodes at the same level.
# we build a temporary children list
tmp=[None, None, [flatpattern], None]
if (checkRootNode(tmp,True)):
print 'CGNS/Python tree has a legacy root node'
Parameters: |
Returns: | True if the node is a root node |
Raises : | cgnsNodeError codes 90,91,99 if dienow is True |
Checks if two nodes have the same contents: same name, same CGNS/SIDS type, same number of children, same value type (None of numpy). The children are not parsed, the value itself is not checked (see checkSameValue()):
if (checkSameNode(nodeA,nodeB)):
Parameters: |
Returns: | True if the nodes are same |
Remarks : |
Raise : | cgnsNodeError code 30 if dienow is True |
Checks if two nodes have the same value. There is no tolerance on actual array values when these are compared one to one. This could lead to time consuming operations for large arrays:
if (not checkSameValue(nodeA,nodeB)):
raise Exception('Not the same value')
Parameters: |
Returns: | True if the nodes have same value |
Raise : | cgnsNodeError code 30 if dienow is True |
Check if the array value of a node is a numpy array:
if (not checkArray(node[1])):
raise Exception('Bad array (for a CGNS/Python node)')
Parameters: | a (object) – value to check |
Returns: | True if the arg array is suitable as CGNS/Python value |
Raise : | error codes 109,170 if dienow is True |
same as checkArray for an array of type C1
same as checkArray for an array of type R4 or R8
same as checkArray for an array of type I4 or I8
Performs all possible checks on a node. Can raise any of the exceptions related to node checks (checkNodeName(), checkNodeType(), checkArray()...):
if (not checkNodeCompliant(node)):
raise Exception('Bad Node')
Parameters: |
Returns: | True if all controls are ok |
Remarks : |
Creates a numpy.ndarray of chars from a list of python strings:
The result is a numpy.ndarray of type ‘S’ with a shape of (32,N) for N strings. In the example above the value of a[:,1] is ‘Meter’ with an added padding of 27 ‘spaces’. The order of the values in the second axis is kept unchanged.
Creates a numpy.ndarray of chars from a list of list of python strings
Returns the node’s value type as CGNS/MLL type. The return value is a string in: Character, RealSingle, RealDouble, Integer, LongInteger
Creates a 1D numpy.ndarray from one string, set to node by path:
p=’/{Base#1}/BaseIterativeData/DataClass’ setStringByPath(T,p,’UserDefined’)
Creates a numpy.ndarray from a string:
Creates a 1D numpy.ndarray from one or more integers, set to node by path. Same as setLongByPath() but with a numpy.int32 data type.
Creates a 1D numpy.ndarray from one or more integers. Same as setLongAsArray() but with a numpy.int32 data type.
Creates a 1D numpy.ndarray from one or more longs, set to node by path:
setFloatByPath(T, p, 2)
setFloatByPath(T, p, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
setFloatByPath(T, p, tuple(range(10,1010,10)))
The set value has numpy.int64 data type
Creates a 1D numpy.ndarray from one or more longs:
setLongAsArray(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
The set value has numpy.int64 data type
Creates a 1D numpy.ndarray from one or more floats, set to node by path:
setFloatByPath(T, p, 2837.153)
setFloatByPath(T, p, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4)
The set value has numpy.float32 data type
Creates a 1D numpy.ndarray from one or more floats:
setFloatAsArray(2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4)
The returned array has numpy.float32 data type
Creates a 1D numpy.ndarray from one or more doubles, set to node by path. Same as setFloatByPath() but with a numpy.float64 data type.
Creates a 1D numpy.ndarray from one or more doubles. Same as setFloatByArray() but with a numpy.float64 data type.
Returns node value, could be None or a numpy.ndarray.
Returns node value fortran flag.
Returns the value data shape for a CGNS/Python node for display purpose. If the shape cannot be determined a - is returned:
print 'node data shape is %s'%getValueShape(node)
Parameters: | node (CGNS/Python) – the target node |
Returns: | A string with the shape |
Returns the authorized names for a CGNS/Python node. If the names cannot be determined a None is returned:
if (node[0] not in getAuthNames(node)):
print 'not SIDS compliant name'
Parameters: | node (CGNS/Python) – the target node |
Returns: | A list of authorized names |
Returns the authorized types for a CGNS/Python node. If the types cannot be determined a None is returned:
if (getValueType(node) not in getAuthDataTypes(node)):
print 'Type of node value is not SIDS comliant'
Parameters: | node (CGNS/Python) – the target node |
Returns: | A list of authorized data types |
Returns the authorized parent types for a CGNS/Python node. If the parent types cannot be determined a None is returned:
if (np[3] not in getAuthParentTypes(node)):
print '[%s] cannot have parent of type [%s]'%(p,np[3])
Parameters: | node (CGNS/Python) – the target node |
Returns: | A list of authorized parent types |
Returns the authorized shapes for a CGNS/Python node. If the shapes cannot be determined a None is returned:
if (getShape(node) not in getAuthShapes(node)):
print '[%s] cannot have shape [%s]'%(p,getShape(node))
Parameters: | node (CGNS/Python) – the target node |
Returns: | A list of authorized shapes |
Returns the authorized children for a CGNS/Python node. If the children types cannot be determined a None is returned:
if (hasChildNodeOfType(node) not in getAuthChildren(node)):
print '[%s] cannot have [%s] of type [%s] as child'%(p,node[0],node[3])
Parameters: | node (node) – target node |
Returns: | list of str, authorized CGNS/SIDS types for children |
Returns the value data type for a CGNS/Python node for display purpose:
print 'node data type is %s'%getValueDataType(node)
Parameters: | node (CGNS/Python) – function target |
Returns: | A data type as string in [`C1`,`I4`,`I8`,`R4`,`R8`,`??`] |
Remarks : |
True if the arg string is the item of the path
p=’/{Base#1}/{Zone-A}/ZoneGridConnectivity’ print hasFirstPathItem(p,’{Base#1}’) # True
Parameters: |
Return bool: | True if first item matches arg |
Remarks : |
Return the path without the first item:
print removeFirstPathItem('/{Base#1}/{Zone-A}/ZoneGridConnectivity')
# '/{Zone-A}/ZoneGridConnectivity'
Parameters: | path (str) – path to process |
Returns: | path without first token |
Remarks : |
Returns the CGNS/Python node with the argument path:
The path is compared as a string, you should provide the exact path if you have a sub-tree or a tree with its CGNSTree fake node. The following lines are not equivalent (sic!):
You can change the relative root by giving any sub-node of the complete tree. For example, to get a specific BC node in a zone, you first look for the ZoneBC of the zone and you use the returned node a the new root:
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Remarks : |
Returns the value of a CGNS/Python node with the argument path:
import CGNS.PAT.cgnskeywords as CK
if (v == CK.Structured_s): print 'Structured Zone Found'
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Remark : |
Returns the children list of a CGNS/Python node with the argument path:
import CGNS.PAT.cgnskeywords as CK
for bc in getChildrenByPath(T,'/Base/Zone01/ZoneBC'):
if (bc[3] == CK.BC_ts):
print 'BC found:', bc[0]
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Remark : |
Iterator returns the children list of the argument CGNS/Python sorted using the CGNS type then the name. The sortlist gives an alternate sort list/dictionnary:
for child in getNextChildSortByType(node):
print 'Next child:', child[0]
zonesort=[CGK.Elements_ts, CGK.Family_ts, CGK.ZoneType_ts]
for child in getNextChildSortByType(node,criteria=mysort):
print 'Next child:', child[0]
mysort={CGK.Zone_t: zonesort}
for child in getNextChildSortByType(node,parent,mysort):
print 'Next child:', child[0]
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Remarks : |
Returns the CGNS type of a CGNS/Python node with the argument path:
import CGNS.PAT.cgnskeywords as CK
if (getTypeByPath(T,'/Base/Zone01/ZoneBC/')):
if (bc[3] == CK.BC_ts):
print 'BC found:', bc[0]
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Remark : |
Returns a list of paths from T matching the filter. The filter is a regular expression used to match the path of node names:
import CGNS.PAT.cgnskeywords as CK
for path in getPathsByNameFilter(T,'/Base[0-1]/domain\..*/.*/.*/FamilyName'):
print 'FamilyName ',path,' is ',path[2]
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Remarks : |
Returns a list of paths from T matching the filter. The filter is a regular expression used to match the path of node types:
# gets GridConnectivity_t and GridConnectivity1to1_t
Parameters: |
Return : |
Remarks : |
Remove the child from the parent node.
Parameters: |
Returns: | None |
Remarks : |
Returns the parent node of a node. If the node is root node, itself is returned:
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Returns the parent node of a node which has the CGNS/SIDS type. If the node is root node, itself is returned:
>>> import CGNS.PAT.keywords as CGK
>>> base=getParentByType(T,node,CGK.CGNSBase_ts)
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Same as getPathFromNode() but takes into account the root node name:
# '/Base/State/Data'
# '/Base/Data'
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Returns the path from a node in a tree. The argument tree is parsed and a path is built-up until the node is found. Then the start node name is not taken into account. For example:
# '/State/Data'
# '/Data'
In the case you want to add the name of the root node (start node) in the path, you should use the path argument (see also getPathFromRoot()):
# '/Base/ReferenceState/Data'
The functions behaves like this for historical reasons, the root of a CGNS/Python tree is CGNSTree but is not CGNS/SIDS compliant. So the path of a CGNSBase_t, starting from the root node, is /Base instead of the logically expected /CGNSTree/CGNSBase.
The node object is compared to the tree nodes, if you have multiple references to the same node, the first found is used for the path:
# T is a compliant CGNS/Python tree
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Remark : |
Returns a list of paths from the argument tree with nodes matching the list of types or names. The list you give is the list you would have if you pick the node type or the node name during the parse:
for path in getPathsByTypeOrNameList(T,tnlist):
# do something with node
Would return all the zones of the named base. See also getPathsByTypeSet() See also getPathsByTypeList()
Parameters: |
Returns: | a list of strings, each string is the path to a matching node |
Remarks : |
Return all type paths allowed by CGNS/SIDS for the node type. For example, to check all possible places where you can set a FamilyName_t you call getAllParentTypePaths, it returns you a list of all types paths allowed by CGNS/SIDS.
Parameters: | nodetype (str) – a CGNS/SIDS type as string |
Returns: | a list of list of strings, each string is a CGNS/SIDS type path |
Remarks : |
Returns a list of paths from the argument tree with nodes matching the list of types. The list you give is the list you would have if you pick the node type during the parse:
for path in getPathsByTypeList(T,tlist):
# do something with node
Would return all the zones of your tree. See also getPathsByTypeSet()
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Add the items to the path:
Parameters: |
Returns: | a new path with concatenation of items as path tokens |
Returns the list of all possible node paths of a CGNS/Python tree:
for path in getPathsFullTree(T):
print path
Parameters: | tree (CGNS/Python) – target tree to parse |
Arb bool width: | set to True (default is False) for width sorting |
Returns: |
Remarks : |
Checks the compliance of a path, which is basically a UNIX-like path with constraints on each node name:
Parameters: | path (str) – path to check |
Returns: | True if the path is ok, False if a problem is found |
Compares two paths:
# True
# False
Parameters: |
Returns: | True if ‘rootpath’ is a prefix of ‘pathtocompare’ |
Remark : |
Finds the common ancestor for all paths in list:
print getPathListCommonAncestor(p)
# '/Base/Zone'
Args list pathlist: | |
list of path strings | |
Returns: | The common root path (at least ‘/’) |
Return the path as a list of node names:
print getPathToList('/Base/Zone/ZoneBC')
# ['','Base','Zone','ZoneBC']
print getPathToList('/Base/Zone/ZoneBC',True)
# ['Base','Zone','ZoneBC']
print getPathToList('/')
# []
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Remarks : |
Return the path of the node parent of the argument node path:
print getPathAncestor('/Base/Zone/ZoneBC')
# '/Base/Zone'
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Return the leaf node name of the path:
print getPathLeaf('/Base/Zone/ZoneBC')
# 'ZoneBC'
Parameters: | path (str) – a CGNS/Python path |
Returns: |
Return the path without the implementation nodes ‘HDF5 Mother node’ or ‘CGNSTree’ if detected as first element:
print getPathNoRoot('/HDF5 Mother Node/Base/Zone/ZoneBC')
# ['Base','Zone','ZoneBC']
Parameters: | path (str) – the path of the node |
Returns: | The new path without root implementation node if found |
Remarks : |
Return the list of types corresponding to the argument path in the tree:
# ['CGNSBase_t','Zone_t','ZoneBC_t']
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Return the same path as minimal string, removes //// and /./ and other simplifiable UNIX-like path elements:
# a checkPath here would fail, because single or double dots are not
# allowed as a node name. But actually this is allowed as a
# path description
# would return '/Base/Zone/ZoneBC'
if (not checkPath(p)):
print 'something bad happens'
Parameters: | path (str) – the path of the node |
Returns: | The simplified path |
Remarks : |
Gets the children names as a list of strings:
for c in childNames(node):
print '%s/%s'%(node[0],c)
Parameters: | node (CGNS/Python) – the parent node |
Returns: | List of children names (str) |
Returns a list of paths from the argument tree with nodes matching one of the names in the list:
# Would return all the nodes with names *BCWall* or *BCExt*
for path in getPathsByNameSet(T,tset):
# do something
Parameters: |
Returns: | a list of strings, each string is the path to a matching node |
Remarks : | See also getPathsByTypeSet() |
Returns a list of paths from the argument tree with nodes matching one of the types in the list:
# Would return all the zones and BCs of your tree.
for path in getPathsByTypeSet(T,tset):
# do something
Parameters: |
Returns: | a list of strings, each string is the path to a matching node |
Remarks : | See also getPathsByTypeList() |
The order of the paths for a given depth is the alphabetical order of the full path to the node. The width parse goes through all the children of a given depth, for all parents.
For example, you want to loop on a list of nodes you retrieved from another function call. You want to make sure that your loop actually follows a width-first constraint for parse purpose. You first call getPathListAsWidthFirstIndex to get the list in the right order.
As the returned value also contains the index of the path, you can perform you simple loop by getting only the path:
listpath=someFonctionReturnsPathList( ... )
sortedlistpath=[s[2] for s in getPathListAsWidthFirstIndex(lispath)]
Parameters: |
Returns: | ordered list with the pattern [ [<int:file-index>, <int:child-index>, <string:path>] ... ] |
Remarks : |
Checks if the parent node has a child with given type:
nl=hasChildType(node, 'AdditionalFamily_t')
for n in nl:
Parameters: |
Returns: | List of nodes with this type (can be empty) |
Returns a child node if it exists:
if ((n is not None) and (stringValueMatches(n,CGK.Unstructured_s)):
# found unstructured zone
Parameters: |
Returns: |
Raises : | cgnsNameError code 102 if dienow is True |
Returns if the pattern matches the string, None otherwise
Returns if the pattern matches the node name, None otherwise
True if the string matches the node value
Copy a numpy.ndarray with flags
Returns the full sub-tree as a single line string:
print s
Parameters: | tree (CGNS/Python) – the CGNS/Python tree to parse |
Returns: | A string representation of the whole tree |
Remarks : |
Writes the CGNS/Python tree as an import-able string in a file:
import NACA0012 as M
The actual node variable is T, we retrieve this value from the module M, which is the result of the import.
Parameters: |
Remarks : |