The VALidator tool is a CGNS/Python tree checker. It parses a CGNS/Python tree and applies three kind of verifications. The first is the structural check, the second is the CGNS/SIDS check and the last is the user defined check.
The CGNS.VAL tool has a command line interface, it can be run in a user’s shell window and returns a set of diagnostics on the standard output. The CGNS.VAL tool has an embedded check tool which actually makes calls to the VALidator API. Then any user can use this VALidator API to make his own embedded check tool.
The CGNS.VAL tool takes a CGNS/HDF5 file as argument and checks its contents, with respect to tree structure and CGNS/SIDS recommandations. The simple command line is:
CGNS.VAL naca012.hdf
Which loads the file, runs the checks and returns a list of diagnostics:
[S004:E] DataType [MT] not allowed for this node
[S007:E] Node [ElementRange] of type [IndexRange_t] is mandatory
[S191:E] Bad node value shape
[U110:E] Cannot handle such ElementType [None]
[U104:W] No ReferenceState found at Zone level
### CGNS/Python tree *NOT* Compliant
Each diagnostic entry starts with the node path followed by the list of warnings and errors detected at this node level.
The only function you can call in your Python script are run, showdiag and compliant.
The run function parses a full CGNS/Python tree and returns a complex diagnostic. This latter can be printed using showdiag.
The compliant function parses a full CGNS/Python tree and returns two values, a boolean telling you if the CGNS/Python is compliant or not and a list or diagnostics messages:
import CGNS.PAT.cgnslib as CGL
import CGNS.VAL.simplecheck as CGV
import CGNS.MAP as CGM
if (diag[0]):,T,[])