There are two levels of diagnostics, the Error and the Warning. The check process continues even if it has and Error. A diagnostics has a key, S003 for example, which is composed of a single letter and a unique number for each letter. The G series stand for generic, the S for SIDS and U for User.
The checking process always starts with G checks, then S checks, then U checks if it has been requested.
The first checks are the generic checks. VAL performs very low level controls on the node structure, node name and CGNSLibraryVersion. This latter is an exception, it is the only SIDS-related data to be verified. As a matter of fact, CGNSLibraryVersion is more an implementation node than a SIDS node.
The core checks are SIDS checks. All the CGNS/SIDS document requirements are inspected, default values are reported.
A user defined grammar is identified by a key.
The following table gives existing diagnostics including the elsA user defined set of checks:
[G001:E] CGNSLibraryVersion [%s] is too old for current check level
[G002:E] CGNSLibraryVersion is incorrect
[G003:E] Name [%s] is not valid
[G004:E] Name [%s] is a duplicated child name
[G005:E] PANIC: Cannot find node with path [%s]
[G006:E] PANIC: Node data is not numpy.ndarray or None (child of [%s])
[G007:E] PANIC: Node children is not a list (child of [%s])
[G008:E] PANIC: Node name is not a string (child of [%s])
[G009:E] PANIC: Node is not a list of 4 objects (child of [%s])
[G010:E] PANIC: Node is empty list or None (child of [%s])
[S001:E] Unknown SIDS type [%s]
[S002:E] SIDS type [%s] not allowed as child of [%s]
[S003:E] SIDS type [%s] not allowed for this node
[S004:E] DataType [%s] not allowed for this node
[S005:E] Node [%s] of type [%s] is not allowed as child
[S006:E] Node [%s] of type [%s] is allowed only once as child
[S007:E] Node [%s] of type [%s] is mandatory
[S101:E] Unknown ZoneType value
[S102:E] Unknown SimulationType value
[S103:E] Unknown GridLocation value
[S104:E] Unknown GridConnectivityType value
[S105:E] Unknown DataClass value
[S106:E] Unknown BCDataType value
[S107:E] Unknown RigidMotionType value
[S108:E] Unknown BCType value
[S109:E] Unknown ElementType value
[S110:E] Unknown MassUnit value
[S111:E] Unknown TimeUnit value
[S112:E] Unknown LengthUnit value
[S113:E] Unknown TemperatureUnit value
[S114:E] Unknown AngleUnit value
[S115:E] Unknown ElectricCurrentUnit value
[S116:E] Unknown SubstanceAmountUnit value
[S117:E] Unknown LuminousIntensityUnit value
[S151:W] Default GridLocation is set to Vertex
[S152:W] Default GridConnectivityType is set to Overset
[S191:E] Bad node value shape
[S201:E] Inconsistent PhysicalDimension/CellDimension
[S202:E] Bad value for CellDimension
[S203:E] Bad value for PhysicalDimension
[S204:E] Bad Transform values
[S205:E] Bad ElementSizeBoundary value
[S301:E] Reference to unknown family [%s]
[S302:E] Reference to unknown additional family [%s]
[U101:W] No Zone in this Base
[U102:W] No GridCoordinates in this Zone
[U103:W] No ReferenceState found at Base level
[U104:W] No ReferenceState found at Zone level
[U105:E] At least one structured Zone is required in the Base
[U106:E] Transform is not right-handed (direct)
[U107:W] No FlowSolution# found for output definition
[U108:W] No FlowSolution#Init found for fields initialisation
[U109:E] Cannot handle such GridLocation [%s]
[U110:E] Cannot handle such ElementType [%s]
The list has been generated with the command CGNS.VAL -lu elsA.